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Maine Wills


The Will of Samuel Matthews

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Three (1709-28)

   In The Name of God Amen. I Samuel Matthews of Smuttynose in the Province of Maine Being weak in body but perfect in memory, I do make this mv Last Will & Testament

   Imprimis yt when I am dead that my body may be Decently Buried trusting that I Shall be Raised by the Merits of Iesus Christ my Redemer at the last Day & forever to be with him.

   And as for my Earthly Estate as it hath Pleased God to bless me with my will is that it may be Divided amongst my three Sons. Viz :

   I give & bequeath to my Beloved Son Walter one third part of my land on Smuttynose & also one third part of my land at Oyster River & a Cow that he hath now in his possession.

   I also give & bequeath to my beloved Son Francis one third part of my Land on Smuttynose and also one third part of my land at Oyster River and my Silver Bowl.

   And I also give & bequeath to my beloved Son Samuel my Dwelling house at Smuttynose & the Garding adjoyning to the Said house and a third part of my land at Oyster River and my Gold Ring.

   I also give & bequeath to my Beloued Sister Iohannah Raynes my brass Kittle that is now in her possession.

   I also give to my beloved Son Samuel my Counterpin and for my Other Moveables not given away my will is that they may be Equally Divided betweene my three Sons making this my last will & also Renouncing all former Wills.

   As Wittness my hand this Eight Day of October one Thousand Seven hundred and Nineteen.

Signed Sealed & Delivered
   In presence of us
   Fracis Raynes
   Thomas Payne
   Nathll Raynes
Samuel X Matthews
      his mark
   Probated 4 Oct. 1720. Inventory returned at £139 : 16 : 5, by Elisha Kelly, George Blackdon, and Richard Yetton, appraisers, 26 Sept. 1720.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 220, citing Probate Office, 3, 57.

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