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Maine Wills


The Will of Samuel Hill, Sr.

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Three (1709-28)

   In the Name of God Amen The twenty-Eighth day of August in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and thirteen I Samll Hill Senr of ye Town of Kittery in the Province of Maine, But at Present In Portsmouth In New : Hampsheire In New-England Yeoman Being Sick and Weake of Body, But of Perfect mind and memory, and Knowing my own frayltie and that it is Appointed for all men once to dye. Do make and Ordain this my Last Will and Testament That is to Say Principally and first of all I give and bequeath & Surrendr my Soul to God that gave it : and humbly beg pardon and Acceptance thrô Jesus Christ his Son, the Mediator in whom I desire to be found, and my body I Recommend to the earth to burried in Christian and Decent Manner at the Discretion of my [sic]

And Nothing Dobting but at the Generall Resurrection, I Shall Receive the Same again By the almighty power of God : And as Touching Such worldly Estate wherewith it hath Pleased God to bless me within this life. I give & Demise of the Same in the Following Manner Vizt

   Imprimis I Will that my Just Debts and Funerall Charges be paid by my Executor and Executrix out of my Estate.

   Item I give and bequeath unto my Son Samll Hill all my Right title Estate & Interest, I have In & to the Saw mill griest Mill and Wind Mill, as also the Dwelling House and Land Lying and adjoyning to Shapleighs Creek in the Town of Kittery in the Province of Main Excepting one Roome for my Wife to Live in if She Desires it and also to pay to his Mother Hill the Summ of fifteen pounds per Annum During her Widowhood, and if She Marry then to cease paying it but if She happen to be a Widow again then he Shall pay it her again During her life or Widdowhood The Said Dwelling house Land and Mills one the Same aboveSd to be the Estate of my Said Son Samll Hills & his Heirs Successively for ever : and also on House Lott and Ware house Lott In Portsmouth abovesaid being on plat affixt to this my Will & Nombred the House five the ware house Lott fifteen to to be as above to him and his Heirs Successively for Ever. as also I give him my Gundelow for his Own Vse forever.

   Item I give and bequeath to my Son Benja Hill all and Singuler my farm that is now in tenure of John Chapman In the Town of Kittery In the Province of Maine, togather with all the Dwelling House Barn out houses and Orchards Garden &ct belonging to the Same, and all my out Lands in the Town of Kittery to be the sole vse Benefit & behoofe of him my Said Son Benja Hill and his Heirs Successively forever, and also a house & Ware house Lott in Portsmouth aforesd According to a plat affixt to this my Will and Numbred the house Lott four and the Ware house Lott Sixteen, to be also to him and his heirs only forever only paying his Mother Hills five pounds per annum During her Widowhood, and if She Marry to ceas paying it, & if She be a widow Again, then to pay her it again During her Life or Widowhood

   Item I give and bequeath to my Son Joseph Hill all and Singuler my Dwelling House In Portsmouth aforeSd and also a the Wharfe before the door the Lott and wharfe to be According to the plat affixt to this my Will The Dwelling House Lott Numbred two and the Wharfe ware house Lott No one and also all my Right of Commons In Said Town of Portsm as it is Laid out or any hereafter to be laid out or Divided, the Said Dwelling house warehouse or wharfe with the Said Common Land to be the Sole vse benefit & behoofe of my Said Son Joseph Hill and his heirs only forever, only my Wife Shall have the Vse of any Room in Said house During her Widowhood.

   Item I Give and bequeath unto my Son John Hill all and Singuler the part of the Dwelling house and Land Where he now lives in Portsmouth togather with a ware house Lott as Will appear by a Draught affixt to this my Will, The house Lott Numbred Eight & the ware house Lott Seventeen and also one Acree of Land for an Orchard Laid out to him already in the Town of Kittery Near Shapleighs Creek the Said Land and house Lott and ware house Lott to be to ye Sole Vse benefit & behoofe of the Said John Hill and his Heirs only forever.

   Item I Give and bequeath to my Daughters Mary Welch and Hannah More all and Singuler to each of them a House Lott & Ware house Lott on the Bank in Portsmo According to a Draught affixt to this my Will the Said Mary Welches house Lott Number tenn & her Wear house Lott Number eleven the Said Hanna : Mores house Lott Number Nine and her Ware House Lott Number twelve the Said Lotts of land to be to ye onely Vse benifit and behoofe of the Heirs of their bodys only forever each of them. And also one Acre of Land for an Orchard Laid out to them already in the town of Kittery Near Shapleighs Creek to be as above to the Heirs of their bodys only forever

   Item I Give and bequeath to my Two Maiden Daughters Sarah and Abigall Hill each of them a house Lott and Ware house Lott in Portsmouth aforeSd out of my Land According to a Draught Annext to this my Will Sarah house Lott Numbr Six & her ware house Lott Numbr fourteen, and Abigails house Lott Numbr Seven and her ware house Lott Numbr thirteen to be them and the heirs of their bodys Each of them forever.

   Item I give and bequeath to my well beloved Wife Eliza Hill whom I likewise with my Son in Law George Marshall Constitute make and Ordain my Executrix and Execr of this my last Will and Testament, I Say I Give to my Said Wife all my Movable Estate both within dores and without as also all Debts Due to me of on kind and of another and also the Vse of my farm in the Town of Kittery and all belonging to it untill my Son to whom it is given Shall be of full age and then he Shall pay his mother five pounds per annum as is Expressed already and also I give her fifteen pounds per Annum as above to be paid by my Son Samll Hill out of the Mills &ct given him as is already Exprest also She Shall have the Vse of my Dwelling house in Portsmth untill my Son Joseph be of age to receive it to whom I have given it and after he is of age and while his Mother liveth to let her have any room in Sd house She Shall Chuse to Live in while her Life remains as also if She hath accation to Sell & Dispose of one House & ware house Lott on the Bank and part of my Land According to a Draught annext to this my Will the house Lott number three the ware house Lott number Eighteen in Case She has no Occation to Sell the Same, Then they Shall be to Vse of my Son John Hill and his Heirs only forever.

   Item I have given my Son in Law George Marshall his Portion already and hath it in his Possession And I do hereby utterly Disannull Revoke and Disallow all and every other former Testamt Wills Legacies and bequests & Executors by me in any wise before Named Willed and bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament.

   In Wittness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the Day and Year above written.

Signed Sealed and Declared
   By the Said Samuell Hill Senr
   to be his Last Will and Testmt
   In presence of us the Subscribr
   Mary ffollett
   Mary Sherbvern
   James Jeffry
Samll Hill (Seal)
   Probated 28 March 1723, by Eliza Hill only surviving Executrix, to whom Letters issued 2 April 1723.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 238, citing Probate Office, 3, 98.

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