The Will of Roland Young
From York County Probate Records, Volume Three (1709-28)
In the Name of God Amen. I Roland Young of York in ye County of York in ye Province of Main in New England, being Infirm, thrô age. and daily Expecting my Great Change but at present of Sound Understanding and Memory do make this my last Will and Testament this 14th of September. 1719.
First and above all I Recomend my Precious and Immortal Soul into ye Mercifull and Almighty Saving arms of my faithfull Creator and Gracious Redeemer and my body to ye Earth Decently to be buried in assured hope of a Glorious Resurrection. Then as to my worldly Estate I Dispose thereof as followeth.
Imprs I give and bequeath unto Joseph my first born son all my Home place that I now live upon which is within one fence or Inclosure entire as also ye one half of ye Little Pasture next adjoyning. Together with all my housing & Orchard. I do also give unto my said son Joseph my point of Salt marsh that lyeth next to Kittery bounds one acre more or less.
Itm I give unto my youngest Son Benajah ye other half of my Little pasture & all that my twenty and Six acres of Land which lyeth next adjoyning on York River on which my Said Son Benajah now Dwelleth. I do likewise give unto my Youngest Son ye one half of my two acres of Salt marsh which lyeth at ye head of York Marshes in the Western Cove.
Itm I give unto my Son Matthews Young one acre and Quarter of Salt Marsh near ye head of York Marshes adjoyning to ye Widow Johnsons Marsh.
Itm I give unto my son Jonathan Young ye other half of ye two acres abouesd in ye western Cove. Equally to be Divided between Jonathan & Benajah abovesd. Furthermore it is my Will and Pleasure that my Eldest and my Youngest Sons Joseph and Benajah Shall pay unto my five Daughters Mary Susanna Elizabeth Sarah and Mercy Six pounds Each, thirty pounds ye whole the one half to be paid by my Eldest and ye other by my Youngest Son, which Eldest and Youngest Sons Shall also pay all my Just Debts and Funerall Charges by Equall proportion.
Itm I give and bequeath unto my Well beloved Wife Susannah During her Natural life ye Vse of ye third of all my lands and marsh and as for all my movable Estate within doors & without I give it wholly & forever unto my Said Wife to be Disposed of according to her own will and Discretion.
Finally I do Constitute and appoint my Eldest son Joseph abovesd to be the Sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament; But I must Subjoyn that it Shall not be in ye power of my Eldest or my Youngest Son to Alienate any part of ye Lands or marsh in this Testamt bequeathed to them they may Dispose of it to one another & to any of ye family but not to any other besides my posterity.
Published pronounced and Declared by Roland Young abovesd to be his Last Will & Testamt In presence of Samuel Moodey Hannah Moodey Mary Moodey | ![]() | Roland R Young (Seal) his mark |
Probated 2 Jan. 1721-2. Inventory returned 2 Jan. 1721-2, at £244: 11: 0, by Benja Stone, Samll Sewall and Joseph Hoult, appraisers. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 229, citing Probate Office, 3, 77. |
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