The Will of Robert Elliott
From York County Probate Records, Volume Three (1709-28)
In the Name of God Amen I Robert Elliott of ye Town of New Castle in ye Province of New Hampshr Being in Good helth make this my last Will and Testament in Manner and Form as Followeth I Committ my Soul to God hopeing in his Marcy and Christs Merrits to Injoy Eternal life and my body to be Decently Buried as my Execrs hereafter Named shall think Proper as for my Estate which God Hath given me, I Give as Followeth.
I make Ordain and Impower my Sons in Law Collo George Vaughan Captn Timothy Gerrish and Major Charles ffrost and Captn Daniel Greenough Executrs of this my last will and Testament of my hole Estate after my Just Debts and Funerall Charges Paid.
I Give my Executrs Power to Receive all my Debts due by books as Bills and Bonds to be Divided between my four Daughters Children and I Give my Executrs out of Debts twenty pounds five pounds each.
I Give to Collo George Vaughan all my farms at Blew point with ye marsh and the thach bank of Crooked lane with Greefings land and Marsh and Collins Land and Marsh all Laying at Blew point.
I Give to Sarah Pepperrell and Margery Pepperrell Cape Elizabeth only Reserveing two Hundred Acres of Land to ye west Side of Robert Jordains house Formerly for Sarah Greenough and to her Heirs forever. And To ye two Children Sarah and Margery Pepperrell all ye Marsh that belongs to Robert Jordain at Spurwink and ye pond Marsh.
I Give to Captn Timothy Gerrish and Sarah his wife and the Heirs borne of her my Island Called by ye Name of Champernown Island as by Deed Given them.
I Give Elliot Vaughan my farm at Dunston with ye Marsh and my Debt due from Wiggens.
I Give to Captn Daniel Greenough and to Abigail his wife ye Heirs of her body my Dwelling house & wharfe and Garden and all my land upon Great Island as by Deed Given him I Give to Sarah Greenough my farm at Spurwink and Marsh belonging to it.
I Give all my Plate to my four Daughters to be Divided Equally between them and all ye linnen that is in ye Great Trunk with my Wifes linnen in ye Chest Draws in ye Parler Beding and Sheets to be Divided Equall and Cattle and Sheep to be Divided Equall Excepting Two Oxen and two Steers to Robt Elliot Gerrish and all ye things that belong to ye farm that are in ye House and that James Joyce my be keept and Maintained Well as long as he lives with all Necessarys meat Drink Washing and lodging as long as he lives.
I Give to Robert Greenough my Rapier with ye Silver head and to Daniel his Brothr my Cane Silver head
I Give to Elliot ffrost and Daniel Greenough and Abigail Greenough all my land that will fall to my Proportion of ye Commons at Kittery and their Heirs forever.
I Do Hereby Constitute and Appoint my loving Brothr Willm Pepperrell Senr and Captn John ffrost and Captn John Hollicom and Mr Willm Pepperrell Junr Overseers of this my last Will and Testament makeing Null and Void all former wills and Testaments.
And I Pray my over seers See this my Will Truly Performed I Publish and Declare this to be my last Will and Testament and Renounce all former Wills
In Wittness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this Tenth day of Novr One Thousand Seven hundred and Eighteen and in the fifth year of ye Reign of our Soveraign King George of Great Brittain 1718 ffrance and Ireland &ct.
Entered before Signing & Sealing I Give Bess Child Clear be freedom at Twenty years Old, And Bess her time three years after my Death I Give Bess a heffer three years old, and I Give my Cuzn Hollicom a heffer of three years old Signed and Sealed In presence of Vs. Shad Walton Jno ffrost John Morriss | ![]() | Robert Elliot (Seal) |
Sworn to in New Hampshire 13 May 1718. Probated 7 July 1724. Inventory of property in York County returned 7 Oct. 1724, at £89: 11: 3, by William Pepperrell junr, John Dennitt and Ebenezer More, appraisers. Debts due the estate from Joseph Young, Josiah Black, Mrs. Hollicomb, Mr Shirtlife and John Yetton. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 255, citing Probate Office, 3, 133. |
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