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Maine Wills


The Will of Mary Wear

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Three (1709-28)

   In The Name of God Amen the 21th of Ianry 1718/19 I Mary Wear of Yorke in the Province of Main in New England Widow being very weak of Body, but as yet Sound in Iudgment and of Perfect Memory (through the wonderfull Goodness of God, Glory be to his Name) Do make this as my last Will and Testament Revoking and Disannulling all former Wills whatsoever.

   First and aboue all I the above Named Mary Wear do Commend my Sperit into the Hands of the Lord Iesus Christ who hath Redeemed it, and my Body I Commit to the Earth Decently to be Enterred by my Executor hereaf-Named in Assured hope of a Glorious Resurrection.

   And as for my Small Estate I do give my house and all my Land unto my Beloved Son Hopewell during his Natural life and at his Decease Equally to be divided betwene my other Three Children Daniel Wear Mary Roberts and Sarah Nowel Hopewell also to have my Household Stuff and Bedind.

   Whatsoever else I have in moneys Goods Stock or any thing else Whatsoever as well not mentioned as mentioned wheither in possession or Reversion, that is now or might ever be Iustly due to me, I leave with my beloved Son in Law Nowel for the Payment of my Iust Debts and funeral Charges Whome I do Constitute make and ordain my Sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament Only my desire and will further is and was although I did not Express it so plainly to be brought in, in its proper Place I Say my will is that my Beloved Son Hopewell Shall have all my household Stuff and Beding only my wearing clothes and trunk I give to my Daughter Nowel In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the day and year above written and in the Sixth Year of the Reign of George of Great Brittian &ct King &ct

Signed Sealed Published Pronounced
   & declared by the above named
   Mary Wear as her last will &
   Testament in the Presents of us
   The Subscribers,
   Abiell Goodwin
   Samuel Moodey
   Hannah Moodey
Mary Wear (Seal)
   Probated 7 April 1719. Inventory returned 7 April 1719, at £105: 13: 10, by Joseph Banks, Nicolas Sewal, and Benjamin Stone, appraisers.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 213, citing Probate Office, 3, 12.

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