The Will of Lewis Bane
From York County Probate Records, Volume Three (1709-28)
In the Name of God Amen. I Lewis Bane of York in ye County of York, in ye Province of Main, in New : England, being Sick of Body, but of Sound understanding and memory; Do make this my Last Will & Testament.
First and above all. I would Commit my Spirit into ye hands of God that gave it, as a faithfull Creator and Mercifull Father, as also into ye hands of Christ, as an alsufficient and most Gracious Redeemer. Desiring to trust in his Righteousness, even in his only for Justification. In ye next place I Commit my body to ye Earth, Decently, to be buried, in hopes of a Glorious Resurrection. And as to that Worldly Estate which God has Graciously given me, I Dispose of it as followeth.
Imprs I give and bequeath unto my faithfull Loving and Tender Wife my Dwelling house and barn and ye one half of all my Movebles which Movables what my Said Wife does not spend in her lifetime to be given, among her Children at her Discretion at her Decease. and my Said Wife Shall have her thirds of ye rest of my Estate and half the Lower Pasture during her Natural life.
Itm I give and bequeath unto my Eldest Son Jonathan all the Land which I bought of Mr Gooch (Excepting the Land on which my barne Standeth & four roods the N E. and as many Roods to ye SE. of Sd barn and So that full bredth. SW. down to ye high way) I do also give unto my Said Son Jonathan the one half of my Lower pasture, and ye whole of Said pasture at his Mothers Decease. And I do further give unto my Said Son a Third part of all my fresh meadows, that lie up in ye Woods.
Itm I give and bequeath to my Son Lewis all my Lands at the place in this Town Called Scituate which I bought of Arthur Bragdon & Dodavah and Job Curtis, Together with ye whole of ye fresh meadow that I bought with ye Said Lands at Scituate. I do also give unto my Said Second Son Lewis one third part of my fresh meadows abovesd Lying in the Woods.
Itm I give unto my third Son John That forty acres of Land which was my fathers on which my now Dwelling house Standeth taking in ye Reserve or Exception mentioned in my Gift to Jonathan as above Expressed. as also my Dwelling House and barn at his mothers Decease as also one third part of ye meadows Lying up in ye Woods above mentioned. He ye Said John paying to his youngest brother Ebenezar Twenty and five pounds money.
Item My Youngest Son Ebenezar Shall be well brought up out of ye Estate till he Shall come to be of ye age of twenty & one years, and then besides ye twenty and five pounds to be paid him by his Brother John he Shall be paid by my Executors out of my Estate Eighty pounds money as also one Cow and ten Sheep
Itm I give unto my Eldest Davghter Mary Sayword twenty pounds to be paid by my Executors out of my Estate within one Year after my Decease.
Itm I give and bequeath unto my Second Daughter Elinor forty pounds to be paid out of my Estate by my Executors within two years after my Decease
Itm I give and bequeath unto my youngest Daughter Mehetabel Forty pounds. as also one Cow and ten Sheep to be paid to her Mother. & put into her Mothers hands within one year after my Decease.
Itm As to ye rest of my Land and other Estate that I have not Disposed of, I leave it in ye hands of my Executors to pay my Just Debts & Funeral Charges & if anything Shall remain it Shall be Equally Divided among all my Children : But if Said Land & Estate Shall not be Sufficient what is wanting Shall be paid by my Children in an Equall proportion to what they do by this my Will and Testament receive.
Finally. I do make Constitute & appoint my beloved Wife and Eldest Son to be ye Sole Executors of this my Last Will & Testamt
Signed Sealed Publis[h]ed Pronounced & Declared by Lewis Bane first within mentioned to be his Last Will & Testamt In presence of us | ![]() | Lewis Bane (Seal) |
John Sedgley Job Banks Joseph Moodey | Note ye word (her) between ye 16th & 17th lines in ye first page, as also ye words (as also) between ye 37th & 38th lines in ye Same page and ye word (be) between ye 3d & 4th line in ye 2d page ware all written before ye Signing sealing or Pronouncing of ye above written Testamt | |
Probated 21 July 1721. Inventory returned 2 Oct. 1721, at £1175: 15: 0, by Abram Preble, Samuel Came, and Jeremiah Moulton Junr, appraisers. Debts due the estate from John Sayward, and Nathll Donnill. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 226, citing Probate Office, 3, 75. |
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