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Maine Wills


The Will of John Leighton

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Three (1709-28)

   In the Name of God Amen. I Iohn Leighton of Kittery in ye County of York in ye Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England being Indisposed & Weak of Body but of Perfect mind & Memory Do make & ordain this to be my last will and Testament as followes Vizt.

   Imprs I Recomend my Soul to God who gave it and my body to the Earth to be Decently Buried in Such maner as my Executrix hereafter Named shall Seem meet and as to what worldly Estate it has Pleased God to Give me I Give & Dispose in maner & form following Vizt

   Imprs I Give and Bequeath unto Oner my Dearly beloved Wife the Moiety or half part of all my Estate real and Personal During her life.

   Itm I Give & Bequeath unto my Beloved Son William Leighton his Heirs & assignes for ever my homestead & all ye Land thereto adjoyning with the Houses buildings & appurtenances thereto belonging also all my Land att Sturgeon Creek which I bought in partnership with Joshua Downing also Six acres of Heathy marsh also fourty acres of Land which is in Controversie with Captn Shapleigh Excepting twenty acres which I hereafter Dispose of & two Acres of my home Steed in this my will to my Sons Iohn & Tobias Leighton.

   Itm I Give & Bequeath to my beloved Sons Iohn Leighton and Tobias Leighton all my Part or Interest in the Tract of Land I bought in Partnership with mr Robert Cutt with my part of the mill Stream and Appurtenances thereon also fifty acres of Land I Purchased of Major John Whiple & my part of fifty acres formerly belonging to my Sister Elizabeth Leighton Decd to them ye Sd John Leighton & Tobias Leighton their Heirs and assignes for ever.

   Itm I Give and Bequeath unto my Beloved son Samuel Leighton all that my Tract of Land on the North East side of Simon's his Brook So Called Containing one hundred Acres to him his heirs & assignes for ever

   Itm I Give and Bequeath to my Sons John Leighton & Tobias Leighton Each of them one acre of my home Sted near the Meeting house adjoyning to the Country road to be laid out to them as my said Executrix Shall See meet and also five acres Each of them of ye fourty acres in Controversie with Captn Shapley if it Should be recovered to be laid out to them by my Executrix as afforsaid & five acres Each of my Land at Sturgeon Creek which I bought with Joshua Downing aforsd.

   Itm I Give and Bequeath unto Oner my Beloved wife my land at Crooked Lane with my five acres at Sturgeon Creek & all other my lands in Berwick to be to her use During her life & at her Disposing among my Children as She Sees meet.

   Itm I Give unto my Beloved Daughter Eliza Wentworth one Hundred Pounds and to my Daughter Mary Gerrish fifty Pounds to be paid them by my Executrix and also my Iust Debts and funerall Charges to be paid and Discharged by her.

   And Lastly I Do appoint my Dearly beloved wife Oner Leighton to be sole Executrix of this my last Will & Testament and I Do Desire & appoint my beloved friend the reverend Mr Iohn Newmarch Mr Robert Cutt & mr John Addams to be overSeers of this my last will & Testament and to be assistiug to my Executrix in Executeing the Same According to ye true intent & meaning thereof. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this Seventh day of November Anno Domini one thousand Seven Hundred and twenty four Annoque Ri Rs Georgii Magnee Brittaniee &ct Undecimo.

Signed Sealed and Declared by
   John Leighton aforsd to be his Last
   Will & Testament in presence of us
   John Rogers
   Daniel ffogg
   Joseph Hammond Junr
   George Hammond
John Leighton (Seal)
   Probated 24 Dec. 1724. Inventory returned 1 Jan. 1724, at £2788: 01: 08, by John Addams, Daniel Fogg and Joseph Gunnison, appraisers.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 264, citing Probate Office, 3, 153.

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