The Will of John Key, Sr.
From York County Probate Records, Volume Three (1709-28)
In The Name of God Amen, I Iohn Key Senr of the Town of Kittery in the County of York in her Majts Province of the Massachusett Bay in New England being very aged & Feeble & growing graveward apase but in perfect Sence & memory Blessed be God for it do make this my Last Will & Testament, as followeth, First & principally I Resign my Soul & Spirit to God that gave it, Hoping through the Merits of my Blessed Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ to Obtain pardon & Remission of all my Sins and my body I Commit to the Earth from whence it was Taken to be Decently buried at the Discretion of the Executor to this my Last will & Testament and for the Estate Real and personal that the Lord hath Lent me After my Lawfull Debts are paid I giue & bestow in Manner as falloweth.
Imr I give and bequeath unto my Son Iohn Kye all my homested Lot of Land at the Salmon falls with the House and Orchard Standing thereon with all my out Lands and Meadows that I have or aught to have in the Township of Kittery aforeSd or Elsewhere to him my Sd Son and to his Heirs and Assignes for ever binding and Oblidging him my Sd Son Iohn Kye or his heirs to pay Such Legacies as I doe give in this my Last will & Testament to the Rest of my Children.
2 I giue & bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Abbott thirty Shillings to be paid within one year after my Decease.
3 I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah Kye A Comfortable maintainance to provoid for her by my Son Iohn Kye or his heirs During the whole time of her liveing A Single woman.
4 I give & bequeath unto my Daughter Abigal Kye two pounds and ten Shillings.
5 I give & bequeath unto my Daughter Mary wintworth Two pounds & ten Shillings to be paid to her within one whole year after my Decease.
6 I give & bequeath unto my Daughter Hannah Hains Two pounds & Ten Shillings to be paid to her within one whole Year after my Decease.
7 I doe Constitute Ordain make and appoint my aforesd Son Iohn Kye to be the whole Executor to this my last Will & Testament Renounsing and Revoaking all other wills whatsoever had made or Done Heretofore by me the foresd Iohn Kye Senr In Witness hereof I Set to my hand & Seal this thirteenth day of Apriel Anno Domini one Thousand Seven hundred and Ten
Signed and Sealed in the presents of us Mary X Warren} her mark Mary Warren} witnesses Iames Warren} | ![]() | Iohn Kye Senr (Seal) his mark |
Probated 30 Oct. 1718. Inventory returned, 3 Nov. 1718, at £202: 3: 00, by Joseph Pray, John Smith, and Timothy Wentworth, appraisers. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 210, citing Probate Office, 3, 5. |
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