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Maine Wills


The Will of Elizabeth Johnson

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Three (1709-28)

   In the Name of God Amen I Elizabeth Johnson of York in the County of York in ye Province of ye Massachusetts Bay in New England widow of Samuel Johnson late of sd york Deceas'd being uery Sick & weak of Body but of Sound mind and memory do make this my Last Will and Testament

   First I yield up my precious immortal Soul into the Hands of my most merciful Redeemer hoping in his merits alone for Pardon & Saluation & my weak & frail Body I comit to ye Earth to be Decently interred at the Charge of my Children or otherwise as ye Law directs hoping for a glorious Resurrection at the last Day by Jesus Christ who is the Resurrection and the life and as for Such worldly Estate as God has been bepleased in his Providence to bestow upon me I dispose of it as follows

   Imprimis I give & bequeath unto my Daughter Ruth Young Eight Shillings to be Paid by my Son Benjamin within Two Months after my Decease

   Item I give and bequeath to my Daughter Mary Willson the Small Trunk covered with Yallow Leather

   Item I give to my Daughter Sarah Simpson Eight Shillings to be paid by my sd Son Benjamin within Two Months after my Decease

   Item I give unto my Son Samuel Johnson one Ewe & Lamb.

   Item I give & bequeath unto my Daughter Hannah Johnson the Feather bed yt I usually lie on with the Boelster Coverlett and one Pair of Blankets also my great Iron Kittle two Pewter Platers five pewter Plates and one pewter bason one pewter Quart Pot and all my wearing Cloaths & my Camblet Riding hood.

   Item I give & bequeath unto my Son Benjamin Johnson all that is more then Twenty Acres of my part of ye Land I had in Partner Ship with my Sister Sarah Black on ye North East side of the Little River to him and his Heirs & assigns forever & one Cow one three year old Heifer & all my Younge Neat Cattle (Except one two Year old Heifer) & all my Sheep & Swine & a Part with my Daughter Keziah in all my Moveables not already bequeathed of what Kind Soever only the Saw Adse & Chizzells & two Augers I giue to Benjamin alone as also the Chest.

   Lastly. I give to my Daughter Keziah (whom I do hereby Constitute & appoint the Sole Executrix of this my Last Will & Testament) a part in all my Moveables not allready herein bequeathed to be Divided betwixt her & Benjamin as abovesd & the two year old Heifer above Excepted out of Benjamins part as also I give to sd Keziah one large Pewter Platter In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand & Seal this Twelfth Day of July Anno Domini 1726, in ye Twelfth year of King Georges Reign The word [Younger] between line 30 & 31 & ye word [Keziah] between line 26 & 27 were Interlined before Singing [sic].

Signed Sealed Published
   Pronovnced & Declared by
   the within Named Elizabeth
   Johnson as her last Will &
   Testament in Presence of us
   the Subscribers.
   Jer : Moulton
   Joanna X Grow
      her Mark
   Jos : Moody
Elizabeth Johnson (Seal)
         her mark
   Probated 1 April 1728. Inventory returned 2 May 1728, at £100: 8: 6, by Joseph Banks, Joseph Sayward and Jos: Moody, appraisers. Additional Inventory of £6: 10: 0 returned 30 June 1729, by "Keziah Johnson alias Holman" executrix.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 291, citing Probate Office, 3, 271.

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