The Will of William Goodin
From York County Probate Records, Volume Two (1698-1718)
In the Name of God Amen William Goodin of ye Town of Kittery in ye County of Yorke in her Majesties Province of ye Masachusets Bay in New England being Sick of Body but of Sound and disposing Sence & Memory; Blessed be for it Do make this my Last will & Testament in manner as Followeth
First and principally I Resigne my Soul to god that gave it hoping through ye Merits of my Blesed Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ to obtain pardon & Remission of all my Sins and my Body I Commit to ye Earth; from whence it was taken to be decently buried at ye discretion of ye Executors to this my Last Will & for ye worldly Goods ye Lord hath Lent me after my Funarral Charge & Lawfull Debts is paid I give and bestow as followeth Viz:
1ly I give and bequeath unto my Son Moses Goodin that part of my homested Lot of Land Called ye Little Marsh as it was formerly fenced by my Father Tayler and to Extend as far to a pine tree Standing near Square wth Southwest Corner of Iames Warren Orchard reserueing priviledge for a lane & for Transportation to the Lower part of ye as Ocation Shall Call, also I give him fifty acres of out Land at my Marsh and five acres of Sd Marsh to him and to his heirs forever.
2ly I give and bequeath unto my Son William Goodin thirty Acres of out Lands & five acres of fresh Marsh to him and to his Heirs forever.
3ly I give and Bequeath unto my Son Iohn Goodin the upper end of my homested Lot : that part Lying above his Brother Moses; And Preserveing the Same Priviledges as I have in that given his Brother Moses to him and to his Heirs forever.
4ly I give and bequeath unto my Loving wife Deliverance all my houshold Goods : and to be at her disposing forever and all the Rest of my homested Lot of Land not herein Menchened with ye house and Barn Standing thereon : and all the rest of my Goods Chattels vtensils Rights and Credits whatsoever Abroad or at home without dores or within I give unto her for her Comfortable Maintainance & for ye bringing up of our Small Children During ye whole term of her Life : If She Lives a widow or during the time of her widowhood.
5ly I give unto my Son Moses & my Son Iames that part of my homested Lot of Land fore Menchened to their Mother after her Death or day of Marriage my trve meaning her day of Marriage if our Small Children be brought up.
6ly My will is that my Son Moses Goodin & Iames Goodin Shall pay an Equall part by apprisment to their Brothers : Adam & Tayler when they Enter upon ye Same.
7ly I give & bequeath unto Each of my daughters Margret Elizabeth Hannah & Mary fourty Shilling apeise to be paid out of my Stock.
8ly I doe ordain & appoint my Loving wife & my Son Moses to be the Executors to this my Last will and Testament Renounsing and Reuoaking all or any will or wills whatsoever heretofore by me made or Cause to be made : In witness hereof I Set to my hand and Seal this 26th day of Aprill 1713/
Owned Signed and in the preSence of Benjamin Nason} Thomas Goodin} Witnesses Iohn Hopper} |
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William G Goodin his mark |
Probated 26 March 1714. Inventory returned at £350: 10: 0, by Benjamin Nason, John Hupper, and James Warren, appraisers, 1 Aug. 1713.
Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 178, citing Probate Office, 2, 90. |
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