The Will of William Bryer
From York County Probate Records, Volume Two (1698-1718)
In the Name of God Amen I appoint & make this my Last Will & Testament & do utterly disanull all other made by me before at any time & apoint this to Stand in force this the fifteenth day of Aprill 1718.
I William Bryer being now in perfect mind & memory and being in my Rational Sences knowing the life of man is Short and not knowing the time of death I willing to Settle my concerns & to dispose as accordingly
Firstly I bequeath & Surrender up my Spirit to God who gave it me and my body to be decently buried by my prodecessors as they Shall See meett & Convenient &ct.
Firstly I give & bequeath unto my beloved wife Sarah Bryer all my moveables as housell Goods, Chattels & Creaters of all Sorts excepting my great brass Kittle & a new ticken bed with the feather which is in it and one great iron pot & one Tramell that goes with Notches & further more I give my wife the Incomes of all my Lands untill my youngest Son Richard Comes of age, If Said Richard die before he come of age I give my wife the Income of it during her life that is my Land.
Secondly I give unto my Son William Bryer my right of Land I have twenty odd acres at Spruce Creek Joyning to Iohn Frinks & No part in any other thing, I william Bryer Senr do utterly forbid & disanul this Claus in my will & give to my Son William Ten Shilling & it Shall be all he Shall havethirdly I give unto my danghter Mary Bryar five pounds which I obleige my son William to pay it, and twenty pounds more to Sd Mary, to be paid by Richard five years after he comes of age, If Richard dye before he comes of age Mary Shall have the land appointed to Richard paying out to the rest what I appoint If she dye to the next Child
4, I give unto Rebecca Bryar forty shillings to be paid by my son William when he come to be of age to be paid in such species as he can prodvce at money price by my son William and Richard to pay her fourty shillings more.
5/ I give unto my Daughter Sarah Bryar a great Iron pot and a tramell and twenty shillings to be paid by William In such species as he can produce at money price Richard to pay her thirty shillings.
6/ I give unto my Daughter Eady a great brass Kittle and william to pay ten shillings to her, Richard to pay her fourty.
7/ I give unto Elisabeth fourty shillings to be paid by William, and Richard to pay her ten pounds when he comes of age to have five years time to pay it in.
8/ I give unto my son Richard Bryar my whole Tract of land I purchased of Diamond Sergent Containing Seventy one acres he paying out the Legacies I have appointed him and if Williams Land is Recovered by law from him, Richard shall pay him five pounds.
Signed Sealed in presence of us Wittnesses Sarah X young marke her Elisabeth X Dunnill marke her Diamond Sergentt |
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William Wm Bryer (seal) marke his The five pounds Richard was to pay upon Condition to William I utterly forbid for Williams ten shillings shall be all he shall have of my Estate. |
Probated 1 July 1718. Inventory returned, 26 May 1718, at £307: 9: 0, by George Frink, John Mograge, and Diamond Sergantt, appraisers.
Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 208, citing Probate Office, 2, 173. |
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