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Maine Wills


The Will of Thomas Muddle

 New Search

 From York County Probate Records, Volume Two (1698-1718)

   Thomas Muddle being sick in body but of perfect memory blessed be god for it do make this my last Will and Testamend. Imprs I will and bequeath my soul to god my maker, hopeing in and through Jesus Christ To Receive Eternal life in his Meritts.

   2ly I Commit my body to be buried decently according to the discretion of my Executors hereafter Named.

   3ly I will and bequeath to Mr Phillip Hubbard all my worldly goods hereafter Mentioned that is to say all my money and wearing Cloths, and gunn and ammunition, and two young horses, one of three years old, and one two years old next Spring and all my Debts dve to me by Bill of otherways, that is to Say thirty six shillings and six pence dve from John Stagpole as appears by Bill, and from Samuel Sadey fourty shillings as appears by Bill Dated May 9th, 1711, and ten shillings dve by bill from Samuel Cosen of Dover, And fifty shillings dve from William Merifield by Bill, and four shillings and six pence dve from James Smith of yorke, and three shillings dve from Humphrey Chadbourne and Seventeen shillings dve from Sargt Gatchel, and three shillings and six pence dve from Samuel Pike and three pounds ten shillings dve from Howard Henderson of Dover on a bargain for a horse, James Emery and Baker Noson and Thomas Potts witness to said bargain. And I do appoint Mr Phillip Hubbard to be my Executor to this my last Testament, and to be at the Cost of my present sickness and funerall. Dated in Kittery Feb : 13th 1712/13 in the Province of the Masachusets Bay in New England.

   Richard Tozer
   Moses X Goodin
      his marke
   Daniel Emery
Thomas Muddle (seal)
      his marke
   Probated 14 April, 1713. Inventory returned 24 Feb. 1712-13 at £42: 1: 6, by John Croade, James Emery and John Hupper, appraisers.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 166, citing Probate Office, 2, 59.

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