The Will of Samuel Webber
From York County Probate Records, Volume Two (1698-1718)
In the Name of God Amen This is the last Will & Testament of Samuel Webber of York in the County of Yorke in New England I the Said Webber being very Sick & weak of body & the time drawing near that I expect my great & Last Change knowing it is appointed for all men once to die, I do with good advices, being of perfect memory of Iudgement & in my right mind & underStanding; I first & Chiefly place with humbleness; and with Submission & trust in the Merits of Iesus Christ my glorifyed redeemer Commit my Soul unto God that gave it and Secondly my body to the dust from whence it was formed in hopes of a glorious ReSurrection in the day of the Lord & that after my decease my body be decently buried & that my funerall Charges & all my Lawfull debts be first payed out of my worldly Estate by my Executrix hereafter named, my worldly goods & Estate which God hath given me I do give & dispose in manner as followeth In the first place I do give to Deborah Webber my dear & loving wife all my Estate real & perSonall after my decease to her own proper vse benifit & behalfe during her widdowhood, & if after my decease She doth not marry then during her Naturall life & after her decease to & among my Children equally to be divided both real & perSonall Estate to be Equally divided among them with what they have had already onely to my Son Samuell Webber I do give Six acres of Marsh which I bought of Mr Andrew Brown at Black point all my Estate to be divided among them Samuell Webber Iohn Webber Thomas Webber and Benjamin Webber WaiteStill Webber and Ioseph Webber and Mary Webber the wife of Ioseph Sayword Deborah Webber & Dorcas Webber; and I do hereby ConStitute nominate & appoint my above Named & loving wife to be the Sole & Lawfull Executrix of this my Last will & Testament and I do give to my two youngest Sons WaiteStill & Ioseph Webber all my homeSted after their Mothers decease paying the Equal proportion to the rest of their brethren
As Witness my hand this 5th day of May 1716
Witness Isaac Provinder Iohn X Smith his mark |
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Samuell Webber |
Probated and recorded 13 Nov Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 191, citing Probate Office, 2, 129. |
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