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Maine Wills


The Will of Samuel Bragdon

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Two (1698-1718)

   In the Name of God Amen I Samuel Bragdon Senr of Yorke in Province of Main, being Aged and Crazy of body but of Sound understanding, do make this my last will and Testament as followeth, First and above all, I commit my Soul into the hands of god, and my body to the Earth to be decently buried in hopes of a glorious Resurection. And as for my outward Estate, which a good god has freely bestowed on me, I dispose of it in manner following

   Imprs After my Just debts and funeral Charges are paid, I give and bequeath unto my Son Samuell (besides what he hath already) Ten pounds in or as money, as money shall generally pass, from man to man in this Country, when this sum comes to be dve, to be paid by my son Joseph, within two years after he shall come to enter upon the possession of the Living hereafter bequeathed wt him. Item I give and bequeath unto each of my four daughters, vizt Magdalin Patience, Sarah & Ruth, five and twenty shillings (five pounds in the whole) to be paid by my son Joseph the next year after the ten pounds above said is to be paid to Samuel

   Item I give and bequeath unto my Wife, the vse and Improvment of all my lands, housing, Stock, houshold goods and moneys even the whole of what I shall leave, for her own maintainance, and the bringing up of my youngest son till he comes to be of age.

   Item I give unto my son Joseph the whole living that now I possess and Improve, whither land, dwelling houses Barns, and orchards, with all the priviledges and rights that do or may any ways appertain or belong thereunto. I also give unto my son Joseph the One halfe of my stock and the one halfe of my household stuft, and goods of all sorts belonging to house keeping.

   Item My Will is that when my son Joseph shall come to be of age according to law to enter upon the living aforesaid, his mother if shee desires it shall have the Choice of all the Room in the dwelling house, the vse of halfe the lands, halfe the stock, and halfe the houshold stuft or goods, during her Widowhood.

   Item My Will is that after my wifes decease, all that is left of my Estate in Cattle, Houshold goods, moneys or whatever Elce not disposed of in the above Said Articles Shall be Equally divided betwene my Son Samuel and my four Daughters above said. Finally I do appoint my dear Cousin, Decon Bragdon the sole Executor of this my last will & Testament, desiring him, and Intreating him to see the Will of the dead punctually fulfill'd, I do also appoint Mr Moody our Pastor, and Richard Milbery to be overseers of this my last Will and Testament.

   In Witness to all and singular the Premisses, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this tenth day of May One Thousand seven Hundred and nine

Witnesses {Samuel Moody
{Hannah Moody
{Christian Passons
Samuel Bragdon (seal)
   Sworn to and recorded 6 Jan. 1712-13. Inventory returned 6 Jan. 1712-13 at £296: 8: 0 by Samuell Donnell Samuel Webber and Richard Milbery, appraisers.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 160, citing Probate Office, 2, 53.

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