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Maine Wills


The Will of Peter Lewis

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Two (1698-1718)

   In the name of God Amen The third day of February in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred & twelve thirteen I Peter Lewis of Kittery in the County of Yorke in the Province of the MasachuSets Bay in New England yeoman, being weak in body but of perfect mind & memory thanks be given unto God therefore Calling unto mind the Mortality of my body, & knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make & ordain this my Last Will and Testament : that is to say; principally & first of all I give & recommend my Soul into the hand of God that gave it; & for my body I commend to the Earth to be buried in a Christian like and decent manner at the discretion of my Executrix nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I Shall receive the Same again by the mighty power of God, and as touching Such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give devise & dospose of the Same in the following manner & form.

   First I will that all those debts & duties as I do owe in right or Conscience to any manner of person or persons whatsoever Shall be well & Truly contented & paid or ordained to be paid in convenient time after my decease by my Executrix hereafter nomed.

   Item I give unto my Well beloved Son Peter Lewis by these presents a Confermation of all the Land which I have heretofore given him by deeds one bearing date ye 13 day of September Anno Domini 1706 the other bearing date the 29th of January 1712/13, and also after mine & my wives decease I give to him his Heirs & assigns Eight acres of wood land which Lyes at the head of Roberd Easmans Land & Andrew Haleys Land forever to enjoy it after my wives decease

   Item I give unto my well beloved Son Andrew Lewis a Confirmation of the Lands whereon he now dwells & possesses for which I have heretofore given him a deed of gift which is in full of that portion which intend to give him.

   Item I give unto my well beloved Son William Lewis his Heirs & assigns the moiety or one halfe part of that tract of Land which I have in the woods Lying & being in the Town Ship of Kittery Containing in the whole fifty acres be it more or Less forever:

   Item I give unto my well beloved Grandson Nathaniel Lewis Son of my Son Morgan Lewis Deceased the moiety or one halfe part of that tract of Land which I have in the Woods Lying & being in Kittery TownShip Containing in the whole fifty acres be it more or Less the whole to be Equally divided betwene my Son William Lewis & my Said Grandson Nathaniel Lewis.

   Item I give unto my well beloved Grand children Benjamin Lewis Grace Lewis Elizabeth Lewis Mehetabel Lewis the Children of my Son Iohn Lewis deceased five Shilling apeace to be levied & raised out of my Estate and paid to them by my Executrix after my decease.

   Item I give unto my well beloued daughters Grace Lewis one Cow four Ewe sheep on bed & furniture belonging to it forever and her dwelling in the Lentoe of my now dwelling house So long as She Shall Continue unmarried.

   Item I give unto my well beloved daughters Mary Hutchins Grace Lewis Anne Tapley Rebecca Pike Elizabeth Lewis Sarah Lewis after the decease of my wife all the household Stuff & other moveables or personall Estate that Shall then be found belonging to my Estate to be Equally divided among them.

   Item I give & bequeath unto Grace my dearly beloved wife the vse & Improvement of my whole Estate real & personal during her naturall life for her comfertable Subsistance but if it Should So happen that the Income of my Estate will not maintain her Comfertably that then She hath hereby power & leave to dispose of So much of the moveables as Shall be necessary to Support her.

   I do likewise Constitute make & ordain my above said wife Gr[a]ce to be my onely & Sole Executrix of this my Last Will & Testament and I do hereby utterly dissalow revoke & dissanull all & every other former Testaments & Will by me in any ways before this time Willed and Bequeathed Ratifying & Confirming this & no other to be my Last Will & Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal the day & year above written.

Signed Sealed pronounced & Declared
   by the Said Peter Lewis as his last
   Will & Testament in the preSents
   of us the Subscribers.
   Samuell X Hutchins
      his marke
   Ionathn X Hutchins
      his mark
   Ino Newmarch
Peter Lewis (the Seal)
   Probated and recorded 4 April 1716. Inventory returned 9 April 1716 at £82:3:0, by George Frink, James Breeden, and William Godsoe, appraisers.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 184, citing Probate Office, 2, 111.

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