The Will of Peter Dixon
From York County Probate Records, Volume Two (1698-1718)
I Peter Dickson of Kittery in the County of York in the Province of the Massachusets Bay in New England Shipwright being of a Sound disposing mind & at preSent in perfect health of body but ConSidering my often Infirmities not knowing how Soon or Suddainly it may please God to remove me out of this life, Do think meet to make this my Last will & Testament hereby revoaking all former & other wills heretofore by me made either by word or writing, and this is to be taken onely and I do hereby declare it to be my Last will & Testament & none other. And first I give & reSign up my Soul to God and my body to buried in Such decent & Christian manner as to my Executrix hereafter Named Shall Seem meet; And as touching the Settlement of my temporall Estate which God has bin pleas'd to bestow upon me, I do order & disposs the Same in manner & form following that is to, Say, I will that all my Iust debts be paid & my funeral Charges defrayd out of my whole Estate by my Said Executrix hereafter Named.
Item I give & bequeath unto my Loving wife Mary Dickson the one the one third part of all my remaining perSonal Estate forever, and the one third part of my Real Estate in housing Land &ct. During her Natural Term of life/
Item I give & bequeath unto my daughter Mary Staple one Cow to be delivered Imediately after my decease.
Item I give & bequeath unto my daughter Hannah Morrell fifteen pounds in money or Goods belonging to my Estate at the value they Shall be apprised five pounds whereof to be paid Imediately after my decease and the other ten pounds to be paid by my Son Peter Dickson within one year after he Shall arive to the age of one & twenty years and in Case he Should die before he come to that age then to be paid by my Executrix out of my Said Estate or by any that Shall possess & enjoy my Said Sons Estate.
Item I give & bequeath unto my daughter Anne Dickson one fether bed with all Furniture belonging thereto as bolsters pillow &ct to be Delivered Imediately after my decease I likewise give unto my Said daughter Anne ten pounds in money or goods belonging To my Said Estate as the value as they Shall be apprized to be paid by my Said Son within one year after he come to the age of twenty one years.
Lastly I give & bequeath unto my onely Son Peter Dixon all & Singular my houses Lands buildings Edifices Orchards gardens to me belonging or in any wise appertaining the Said Peter Dixon to enter into full possession of the two thirds there of Imediately after he arives to the age of twenty one years and Imediately after the decease of my Said wife he the Said Peter Shall & may enter into the full possession of the whole; I likewise give unto my Said Son all my perSonal or moveable Estate that Shall remain after the payment of my Iust Debts Legacies afore Said and my Said wives thirds be taken out & to take the Same into his possession Imediately after he comes to Lawfull age. And further my will is that if my Said Son Shall happen to die without Legittamate Issue that then and in that Case my Said daughter Anne Dixon Shall have hold & enjoy to her & her Lawfull heirs forever all & Singuler the Lands, buildings, Goods & Chattels above Mentioned to be given to my Said Son Peter Dixon.
And I do hereby Nominate ordain & appoint my beloved wife Mary Dixon afore Said to be my Sole Executrix of this my Last Will & Testament.
And I do deSire my Loving brother Iacob Remick and my Loving friend Ioseph Hammond Iunr, to be overSears of the Execution of this my Will.
In Witness where of I the Said Peter Dixon have hereunto Set my hand & Seal this day of In the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred & Eight and in the Seventh year of the Reign of our Soveraign Lady Anne by the grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland Queen Defendr of the Faith &ct.
Signed & Sealed in the preSence of us. Ios : Hammond Iunr Rebecah X Rogers her mark |
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Peter Dixon (Seal) |
Probated 15 May 1718; Inventory returned 9 April, 1718, at £531: 9: 5, by Jos: Hamond, Iohn Thompson and John Addams, appraisers.
Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 206, citing Probate Office, 2, 160. |
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