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Maine Wills


The Will of Patience Stone

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Two (1698-1718)

   In the Name of God Amen I Patience Stone of the Town of Barwick in the County of Yorke in his Majts Province of the MasachuSetts Bay in New England widow (and Relict of Daniel Stone late of Barwick aforeSaid) being weak & ailing but of Sound & disposing Sence & memory, blessed be God for it Do make this my Last will & Testament.

   First & principally I resign my Soul to God that gave it hopeing through the merits of my blessed Lord & Saviour Iusus Christ to obtain Pardon of all my Sins, and my body I Commit to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of the Executor to this my Last Will & Testament & as for this worldly Goods the Lord hath Lent me; after my Lawfull Debts & funerall Charge is paid I give & bestow as Followeth.

   1. I give & bequeath unto my Son Daniel Stone a pair of Stilliards and one flax Comb.

   2. I give & bequeath unto my daughter Rachael Grant one pewter platter.

   3. I give & bequeath unto my daughter Patience Waymouth one pewter platter.

   4. I give & bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Libby one pewter platter

   5. I give & bequeath unto my daughter Abigail Goodin one pewter platter & two plates.

   6. I give & bequeath unto my daughter Elisabeth Stone one pewter platter & one Bason & my great Iron pott & two pewter plates.

   7. I give & bequeath unto my Daughter Leah Stone one pewter platter & one Chafindish & two pewter plates & my middlein Iron pott.

   8. I do give & bequeath unto my two aforeSaid daughters Elisabeth & Leah my two fetherbeds & all the furniture belonging to them both, & all my bed Cloths of every Sort both wooling & Linnin & all my wearing Cloths both wooling & Linnin or any other Sort & also my warming pan & Table Linnin to be equally divided betwene them both.

   9. I give & bequeath unto my Eight daughters to the Six herein already named and to my daughter Mary Martin & Margret Gould all the rest of my Estate Good or Chattels Rights & Credits & vtenSels whatsoever without dores or within abroad or at home to be Equally divided amongst them all

   10. I do ordain & appoint my Brother Daniel Goodin to be the Executor to this my Last Will & Testament Renouncing & Revoaking all or any Will or Wills by me heretofore made or Suffered to be made; In Witness hereof I the afore Said Patience Stone have hereunto Set my hand & Seal this Eighteenth day of February anno Dom : one ThouSand Seven Hundred & fifteen Sixteen 1715/16

Signed Sealed & Published/
   in the preSents of us
   Mary X Goodin{
   his marke [sic]
   Samuel Goodin{         witnesses
   Iohn Hubord{
Patience Stone (Seal)
      her marke
   Probated 4 April 1716. Inventory returned 10 April 1716 at £70:08:9, by James Waren, Daniel Emery, and John Hupper, appraisers.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 182, citing Probate Office, 2, 109.

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