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Maine Wills


The Will of Moses Bowdy

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Two (1698-1718)

   These preSents Signifies to all perSons to whom it may doth or Shall Concern that we the SubScribers all of Kittery in the County of Yorke & within his Majts Province of the MasachuSets Bay in New England Testifie declare & Aver by these preSent that being att the the dwelling house of Moses Bowdy of Sd Kittery Mason deceased lately on wendsday the fifteenth of December Instant, he the Sd Moses Bowdy then being ill & daingereous Sick thô in perfect mind & Sound Iudgement Expecting his certain & Speedy departure out of this life; did then in the preSents of us Nominate & appoint ConStitute & unalterably Establish Reynold Ienkins & William Fry both of Sd Kittery in the County & prouince afore Said to be his trve & Sole Executors & take all his Estate into their Charge, care, & management both real and perSonable; & bury him decently also to take care of his Children & Provide for them & bring them up & Improve the Said Estate to ye best & most advantageous manner for their vse & advantage To the truth of which the above written we SubScribe our Names this 18 day of Decembr Anno Domini 1714

Samuel Iohnson
Iohn Tydy
Eliner E Bishop
her mark
   Probated 18 Dec. 1714. Inventory returned 21 Dec. 1714 at £47: 00: 1, by John Leighton, Joshua Downing, and Nicolas Shapleigh, appraisers Added to the Inventory the first day of Aug. 1721. £7:15:4.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 181, citing Probate Office, 2, 98.

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