The Will of Joseph Crocket
From York County Probate Records, Volume Two (1698-1718)
March the 12th day 1713/4
To all Christian People to whom this may Concern that this is the Last will & Testament of Ioseph Crocket by due ConSideration for reasons best known to mySelfe I doe give to my Son Abraham Crocket all my plantation to him & his heirs Lawfully begotton of his body; This is to be underStood after after my decease & my wifes likewise I do order my Son Abraham to pay unto my Son Nathaniel Crocket five pounds in money & to my daughter Hannah five Shillings & to my daughter Liddy five Shillings & to my daughter Dorothy five Shillings & to my daughter Mary five Shillings & to my daughter Elizabeth five Shillings & to my daughter Anne five Shillings & to my daughter Sarah five Shillings & to my Son Ioseph that Seven acres of Land that I have alredy given him; I do order it to be his full part & portion; and all the Moveables after my decease & my wifes I do give to my Son Abraham.
As Witness my hand & Seal the day & year above written.
Signed Sealed in the preSence of us Henery Barter Andrew Halle |
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the mark of Ioseph I Crocket (his Seal) |
Probated 29 Jan. 1716-17. Inventory returned 27 Sept. 1716 at £212: 2: 8, by Roger Dearing Iunr, Ebenezer More, and Roger Couch, appraisers. Debts due the estate from Francis Carman and Wm Roberts.
Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 192, citing Probate Office, 2, 131. |
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