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Maine Wills


The Will of John More

 New Search

 From York County Probate Records, Volume Two (1698-1718)

   The last Will and Testament of John More of yorke being in his right mind.

   first I give up my soul to god my Creator hopeing in his Mercys.

   Nextly I give my whole Estate, houses lands, and all my Creatures, and mouables &ct to my trve and loving wife Martha More, Dureing her life time to make vse of to the best aduantage for her Selfe and the Children. And after my wifes decease my Will is that my two sons, John and Samuel may Enjoy it own propper Estate. Therefore I give my whole Estate above mentioned vizt houses lands mouables and Cattle &ct after my wife's decease to my two sons above mentioned, Jno And Samuel for their own propper Estate, to use occupie and Enjoy. I further will that my two sons above mentioned, John and Samuel do pay to my Eldest daughter Marcy forty shillings and to the other three daughters twenty shillings a piece, Further that my sons after my wife's decease may take possession of my Estate, and divide it Equally betwene them.

Attest. Elisha Allin
   Samll Winch
   John X Whitney
      his marke
John M More (Seal)
      his marke
   Probated 7 July, 1713. Inventory returned at £228: 3: 0, by Richard Cutt and Richard Micholl, appraisers, 10 March 1711.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 168, citing Probate Office, 2, 63.

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