The Will of Elexander Maxsell
From York County Probate Records, Volume Two (1698-1718)
In The Name of God Amen, I Elexander Maxsell of Yorke in the County of Yorke in the Province of the Masachusets Bay in New England (Planter) Being at present Weak and Infirm in my body, but yet through Divine goodness of a good and Sound Judgment and understanding, of perfect memory and of a disposing mind, But yet Sensable how frail a Creature I am, and not Knowing how soon my change may come, nor how it may please god to deale with me at this time, with respect unto my present Estate. I doe therefore make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following.
Imprs I doe in the way of faith and repentance recommend my pretious and Immortal Soul into the hands of my blessed Lord and dear Redeemer, and leane in ye everlasting arms of his mercy.
Item : As for my fraile body at and after my decease to be committed unto the earth by a decent and Christian Burial in hopes of a Joyfull Resurection withall beleiving that after worms shall destroy this my body, yet in my flesh I shall See god.
Item : As for the little temporal Estate which god hath given unto me, here in this world, my will and pleasure is, and be it known by these presents, That it Shall after my decease be disposed of as followeth (vizt)
My dear and loving wife Sarah shall for the good affection I bear unto her, more Espetially for the tender Care She has Had of me in the time of my weakness, shall have ye Vse and Improvement of all my housing, lands, Tenemts goods and Chattels whatsoever of one kind and of another after my decease, together with all the benefits, prodvce and priviledges of the Same dvring her Natural life Provided that Sarah my wife shall not have libarty to dispose of the land or Marsh that I leave with her
My Will further is that Six pounds Money shall be allowed out of my Estate for my funeral, and that all my Debts lawful shall be paid out of my mouable Estate, and after my decease my wife shall have the vse and benefit of all the rest to dispose of as she sees good.
Onely the land and marsh my Will is that Mr Moody shall have the one halfe of that part of my Estate, and ye other shall be for the vse of the Church. And further I doe by these presents Constitute, ordaine, and appoint my trusty and well beloved frinds Matthew Austin, & Arther Bragdon Senr of Yorke afore Said, willing and requiring them both Jointly to See to Execution of this my last Will and Testament, according to the proper meaning thereof. And In Testamony that this is my last Will and Tetament I haue hereunto put my hand and Seal, this fifteenth day of may, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand, Seaven Hundred & Seaven. In the Sixth year of her Majts Reign
Signed Sealed & delivered in presence of John linscot} James Grant} |
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the Mark of Elexander Maxsels (his Seale) |
Sworn to, 8 Oct. 1707. Recorded 16 Oct. 1707. Inventory returned at £89: 01: 0, by James Smith and Arthur Bragdon Jun. appraisers, 23 Oct. 1707.
Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 150, citing Probate Office, 2, 12. |
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