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Maine Wills


The Will of Benjamin Trafton

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Two (1698-1718)

   Yorke June : 4 : 1706 in ye fear of god Amen

   I Benjamin Trafton in tending A vige to sea being at this time of a disposing mind and undr Consideration of mortily make this my Last will and Testament my Soul I give in to ye hands of my most mercyful Redeemer to be Calld, for & disposed of as he in his Infinite wisdom shall see meet, my worldly goods I dispose of as followeth & my will is that all ye Iust debts I owe be paid by my Executor out of my whole Estate after my decease.

   2 My will is yt my loving Brother William Beale have ye whole improvment and Sole profit of my Estate during three years from ye date hereof to be to him his Heirs or Assigns after ye Expiration of this time.

   Item My will is yt my three Sisters Jane Beale Dorothy Mane & Penellipy Day have ye income of my whole Estate after my debts be paid to be Equaly divided between them untill my Brother Zacheus Traffton & Thomas Traffton come to age of one and twenty years and then —

   4 my will is yt my Lands in Yorke all and Every part and parcell thereof be Equaly divided betwene my two loving Brothers Zacheus Traffton & Thomas Traffton to be and remain a good Estate of inheritence to them their Heirs & Assigns forever : if one of these my Brothers dy before he be one and twenty years of age ye other Shall inherit ye whole of my Estate if they both dy before they come of age or will not themselves Settle on this my inheritence in Yorke then my will and finell-conclution is is yt if my Brother William Beale will Settle on this my inheritence yt, it Shall be & remain unto him & his Heirs lawfully begotten on ye body of my sister Iane Beale to be [u]nto her Heirs forever : & if my Brother Beale do not Settle him Selfe or ye Heirs of my Sister Iane on this my inheritence yt then it Shall be Equaly divided betwene my three Sisters Iane Beale Dorothy Mane & Penellopy Day to be unto them and ye Heirs of their Bodies Lawfully begotten forever this is my will & ye finall Settelment of my inheritence forever

   And I intreat & appoint my trusty & well beloved friend Captn Lewis Beane to be ye Executor of this my last will & I pray him to confirm & Execute it and let no man alter it given under my hand & Seale of confirmation ye day & year above Sd in presents of.

   William Heath
   Thomas More
   Joshua X Hilton
         his mark
Benjamin B Trafton (seal)
         his mark
   Sworn to 26 August, 1713. Probated 6 Oct., 1713.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 170, citing Probate Office, 2, 72.

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