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Maine Wills


The Will of Samuel Scammon

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Ten (1749-60)

In the Name of God Amen

   I Samuel Scammon of Biddeford in the County of York Gentn being Sick & weak in Body but of perfect Mind & Memory Thanks be given unto God, therefore calling unto Mind ye Mortality of my Body, and knowing that it is appointed unto all men once to die do constitute make & ordain this to be my last Will and Testament; That is to say, In the first place, I recommend my Soul into the Hands of God who gave it, and my Body to the Earth to be buried in a decent christian Manner at ye Discretion of my Executors herein after named. And as touching Such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God in this Life to invest me, I give demise & dispose of ye Same in the following Manner and Form.

   Impr I will & order that all my just Debts & funeral Charges Shall be paid out of my Estate by Mehetable my beloved Wife whom I constitute an Executor of this my last Will & Testament.

   Item. I give unto Mehetable my beloved Wife aforesaid the Improvement of one Half of so much of my Homested Farm whereon I now dwell as to extend from the Southwest End of it where it adjoins to the Homestead of Samuel Dennet to ye North East End of the Second Division of the Land purchased by Ebenezr Ayer out of the Estate of Iames Scammon late Decd with the Occupation & Improvement of the one half of my dwelling House & Barn; and also the Improvement of all my Salt Marsh lying in Biddeford & Scarborough. Likewise the Improvemt of all my personal Estate consisting in Money Bills Bonds Book Debts Household Cattle &c. only excepting & reserving three Yoke of Oxen and four Feather Beds & Bedding, to her Use and Improvement during her natural Life.

   Item. I give unto my beloved Son Samuel Scammon (whom I appoint the other Executor of this my last Will & Testament) the whole of that part of my Homestead Butted beginning at ye South West End where it adjoins to Samuel Dennets Homestead Land, and extending North East to the End of the Second Division of the Land purchased by Ebenezer Ayer out of the Estate of Iames Scammon late Decd with about Five Acres of Land in the first Division of the purchase I made out of the Estate of the Said Iames Scammon, With Five Acres of Salt Marsh lying at a place commonly called Goose Fare in Biddeford aforesd And all my Right to Lands at Randezvouz, and old Orchard so called in Said Biddeford. And also one Yoke of Oxen when he Shall arrive at twenty one Years of Age.

   Item. I give unto my beloved Son Isaac Scamman all that part of my Homestead Land butted beginning at the upper Edge of the Bank on the Western Side of Goose Fare aforesd and to Extend on a Northeast Course to ye Middle Line with all my Right in the purchase I made out of ye Estate of Iames Scamman aforesd Decd as yet undivided. And two Acres & half of Salt Marsh lying in Scarboro at a place called Roger's Cove, and one Yoke of Oxen, when he Shall arrive at twenty one Years of Age.

   Item. I give unto my beloved Son Freeman Scamman all that part of my Homestead Land butted beginning at the Northeast End of the Land I bequeathed to my Son Samuel aforesd and to extend on a Northeast Course to the upper Edge of the Bank on the Western Side of Goose Fare River aforesd with a Fourteen Acre Lot of Land in the Second Division of the purchase I made out of the Estate of Iames Scamman aforesd Decd With Five Acres of Salt Marsh in Scarboro aforesd adjoining to ye Patent Line. And also one Yoke of Oxen when he Shall arrive at twenty one Years of Age.

   Item. I give unto my beloved Daughter Mary Scamman Forty pounds lawful Money to be paid to her by my Son Samuel aforesd when She Shall arrive to eighteen Years of Age. and also a Feather Bed & Bedding which I before excepted and reserved out of my personal Estate.

   Item. I give unto my beloved Daughter Elizabeth Scammon Forty pounds lawful Money to be paid to her by my Son Samuel aforesd when She Shall arrive at Eighteen Years of Age, and also a feather Bed & Bedding which I before excepted and reserved out of my personal Estate.

   Item. I give unto my beloved Daughter Mehetable Scamman Forty pounds lawful Money to be paid to her by my Son Samuel aforesd when She Shall arrive at ye Age of Eighteen Years, and also a feather Bed & Bedding which I before excepted & reserved out of my personal Estate.

   Item. I give unto my beloved Daughter Sarah Scammon Forty pounds lawful Money to be paid to her by my Son Samuel aforesd when She Shall arrive at Eighteen Years of Age, and also a feather Bed and Bedding which I before excepted & reserved out of my personal Estate.

   Lastly. In as much as Mehetable my beloved Wife aforesd now proves to be in a State of Pregnancy, It is my Will in Case She Should bring forth a Son he should be paid Eighty pounds lawful Money by my Son Freeman Scammon aforesd and lawful Interest for the Same from ye time my Son Freeman arrives to twenty one Years of Age to the Arrival of ye Said Child to twenty one Years of Age; and in Case my Said Wife Should bring forth a Daughter, It is my Will She Should be paid Forty pounds lawful Money by my Said Son Freeman aforesd when She Shall arrive at Eighteen Years of Age, and also that he give her a feather Bed & Bedding.

   And I do hereby revoke disannul & make void all former Legacys Wills & Bequests by me made Ratifying & confirming this and no other to be my last Will & Testamt.

   In Witness whereof I the Said Samuel Scammon have hereunto Set my Hand & Seal this Eighteenth Day of Febry in ye 31. Year of His Majesty's Reign Annoque Domini 1758.

Signed Sealed published pro-
   nounced & declared by ye Sd
   Saml Scamman to be his last
   Will & Testament in pres-
   ence of, Tm Iordan Ebenezer
   Ayer. Samuel White
Samuel Scamman (seal)
   Probated 10 July 1758. Inventory returned 27 Sept. 1758, at £1300: 3: 1, by Tristram Jordan, Ebenezer Ayer and Richard Berry, appraisers.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 820, citing Probate Office, 10, 11.

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