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Maine Wills


The Will of Peter Rich

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Ten (1749-60)

In the Name of God Amen.

   To all People to whom these presents Shall come Greeting. Know ye That I Peter Rich of Wells in the County of York in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Husbandman being, (thrô the Divine Goodness) of a Sound disposing Mind, thô far advanced in Years, and labouring under great bodily Infirmities, Considering my present mortal State, and the near Approaches of my great & last Change, and committing my never dying Spirit into the merciful Hands of a gracious God thrô ye infinite Merits of his dear Son : and my Body into ye hands of my Executors hereafter named to be by them decently interred in hope of a glorious Resurrection to a Life immortal, by the mighty Power of God thrô him who is the Resurrection & the Life. Dispose of the temporal Estate wherewith it hath pleased ye Lord to bless me in the following Manner Vizt.

   1. I will that all my just Debts & funeral Charges Shall be paid out of my moveable Estate by my Executors.

   2. I give & bequeath unto my well beloved Wife Elizabeth Rich during her natural Life all my Lands both upland & Meadow or Meadow Ground containing about Eighty Acres be the same more or less lying & being in Said Wells, butted & bounded as in my Deeds & Returns of ye Surveyors laying ye Same out may be seen on ye Records of the Town & of the County aforesd or wheresoever lying & being, and howsoever ye Same may be butted & bounded together with my Buildings & Fences thereupon, and with all the Priviledges & appurtces thereunto belonging, so that ye Said Lands with ye Sd Buildings Fences & Appurtces Shall be under her Sole Command and improved & disposed of by her as She Shall direct and order during the above mentioned term of her natural Life, but Shall not be given away Sold or any ways alienated by her. I also bequeath & give unto my beloved Wife aforesd all my moveable Estate within Doors & without of what Name or Nature soever it be to improve & use for her own benefit & advantage during her natural Life, & to Sell any part thereof She Shall judge needful for her Support.

   3. I give & bequeath unto my beloved Daughter Mary Goodwin the Lot of Land above ye Country Road on which She with her Husband & Family now dwells, the Said Lot containing Fifty Acres be it more or less, it being that which was granted to me by ye Proprs of the Town of Wells Iuly 12, 1720, and laid out by Virtue thereof Iuly 18, 1720, by Ios : Hill Surveyr for Wells, as may be Seen on ye Proprs Book of Sd Wells, together with ye Buildings & Fences thereupon, and all the Priviledges & Commodities thereunto belonging, to be possessed & enjoyed after ye Death of my Wife aforesd & not before by my Sd Daughter Mary Goodwin & her Heirs forever. And in Case my Daughter Mary Goodwin Should be left a Widow after ye Decease of my aforementioned Wife, My Will is that She Shall have one third part of my mowing Ground to improve by getting ye Grass that Shall grow thereupon Cut & made up into Hay and haled off yearly and every Year during her Said Widowhood & no longer, and ye Sd third part of my mowing Ground is to be understood with respect to quality as well as quantity, & so to be Set off to her my Sd Daughr Mary Goodwin.

   4. I give & bequeath unto my beloved Grandson Peter Rich Goodwin the eldest Son of my only Daughter ye above mentiond Mary Goodwin all my Lands both Meadow or Meadow Ground & Upland below the Country Road Vizt the parcel or Lot of Land I now dwell on in Sd Wells part of which I purchased of Nathl Clark Novr 15 Anno Domini 1731 butted & bounded as by Sd Deed may be Seen containing Five Acres, and a piece of Meadow ground adjoining being part of ye ten Acres granted to me by ye Proprietors of Sd Town containing two Acres be it more or less And likewise twenty Acres of meadow or meadow ground be it more or less eight Acres of which are part of ten Acres granted to me by ye Proprs of ye Town of Wells Iuly 12th 1720 & laid out Feba 12, 1721, And the other twelve Acres being what I purchased of Saml Littlefield and were laid out unto me May 21, 1741, on ye Northern Branch of little River So called in Wells aforesd the Buts & Bounds whereof may be seen by the Returns of ye Surveyr together with ye Buildings and Fences upon Said Lands, and all ye Priviledges & Appurtenances thereunto belonging to be entered upon possessed & enjoyed after ye Death of my Wife aforesd & not before, by him the Said Peter Rich Goodwin his Heirs and Assigns forever excepting one third part of the Mowing ground during the time of his Mothers Widowhood in Case She Should be a Widow as is above Supposed.

   I likewise give & bequeath unto him my Said Grandson Peter Rich Goodwin All my Cattle Utensils Household Stuff, and all & every part of my moveable Estate within Doors or without of what Name Nature or kind Soever it be that Shall be left undisposed of at my aforementd Wifes Decease.

   5. And now revoking & disannulling any & all other Will or Wills made or Said to be made by me, I do by these presents declare this to be my last Will & Testament of which I constitute & appoint my beloved Wife Elizabeth Rich aforesd and my trusty & well belovd Son in Law Iames Burnam to be Sole Executors. & In Testimony hereof I have hereunto Set my Hand & Seal this twentieth Day of February in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and Fifty fiftyone, and in the twenty fourth Year of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God, King of great Britain France & Ireland, Defender of the Faith &c.

Signed Sealed pronounced and
   declared in presence of Us,
   Iohn Bourn Iohn Bennett
   Caleb Preble
Peter R Rich (a seal)
     his mark
   Probated 7 July 1760. Inventory returned Oct. 21, 1760 at £39: 4: 7 by John Littlefield, Nathan Littlefield and Samuel Jefferds appraisers.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 889, citing Probate Office, 10, 180.

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