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Maine Wills


The Will of Jonathan Stubs

 New Search

 From York County Probate Records, Volume Ten (1749-60)

North Yarmouth August 12. 1758.

   We the Subscribers being this Day at the House of Mr Moses Brown in Said Northyarmo where one Ionathan Stubs being Sick (which Said Ionathan belonged to Falmo in ye County of York) And the Said Ionathan calling his Wife Huldah Stubs, and taking her by the Hand Said he was about to leave her, and at the Same time desired us to bear Witness to the following Words by him Spoken to her Vizt. That as touching such worldly Goods & Estate as he was possessed of his Will was, and accordingly he did give & bequeath to his Said Wife Huldah, and the Child or Children born of her Body all his Estate both real & personal excepting his Wearing Apparel, the which he gave to his Brother Richard Stubs & Ionathan Underwood to be disposed of among his Relations as they Should think proper. He being asked whether his meaning was that in Case his Said Wife Shou'd not have a Child by him begotten that his Estate Should go to her Child or Children by another Husband after him in Case of any, he answered that that was his Meaning but that if his Wife Should die & leave no Issue, that then his Estate Should go to his Brother Richard Stubbs & his Sisters to be equally divided among them. Also that his Said Wife Shou'd be Sole Executrix of this his last Will & Testament. He being ask'd if he would not have his Will wrote in a proper Manner, he replied there would not be time therefor, it being urged that it might prevent trouble after his Death whereupon he consented; and an attempt was made to reduce the Same in Form, but before it could be compleated he was unable to execute the Same and Soon died.

Gilbert Winslow. Mary X Brown
her mark    
Ioanna X Brown
her mark    

   Sworn to by all the attesting witnesses, and allowed in Court, 2 Oct. 1758. Inventory returned 26 Sept. 1758, at £182: 2: 4, by Benj. Mogaridge, Samuel Fisher jr., and Nathaniel Blancher jr., appraisers.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 833, citing Probate Office, 10, 36.

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