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Maine Wills


The Will of John Bryant

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Ten (1749-60)

   In the Name of God Amen. This twelfth Day of October 1759, I Iohn Bryant of Scarboro in the County of York in New England Yeoman being very Sensible that I can't continue long in this Life by Reason of the Hurt I have receiv'd in my Body this Day, but of perfect Mind & Memory, Thanks be given unto God, therefore calling unto Mind the Mortality of my Body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make & ordain this my last Will & Testament. First of all, I give myself to God the Father Son & holy Spirit; hoping thrô the Merits Mediation & Satisfaction of my glorious Lord Iesus Christ on whom alone I depend for Salvation, at my Decease to receive ye Salvatn of my Soul. And as for my Worldly Estate I give as follows.

   Item. I give to my Daughter Eleoner Watson Five pounds lawful money.

   Item. I give to my Daughter Temperance Hartford Five pounds lawful Money.

   Item. I give unto my Grandson Samuel Davis Bryant five Shillings lawful Money.

   Item. I give to my Grand Daughter Charity Holmes five Shillgs lawful Money.

   Item. I give to my Grand Daughter Martha Bryant five Shillings lawful Money.

   Item. I give to my Grandson Bartholomy Bryant five Shillings lawful Money.

   Item. I give to my Grand Daughter Rebecca Brayant five Shillings lawful Money.

   Item. I give to my Grandson Iohn Bryant five Shillings lawful Money.

   Item. I give to my Grandson Iames Fly five Shillings l. Money. I give to my Grand Daughter Dorcas Fly five Shillings l. Money.

   Item I give to my Grand Daughter Marey Fly five Shillg l. Money

   Item I give to my Grand Daughter Elizh Fly five Shillgs l. Money. I give to my Well beloved Wife Mary Bryant the Improvement of all my Estate real & personal during her Life whom I appoint Executrix to this my last Will & Testament.

   Item. I give to my Grandson Eleazer Bryant the all my real Estate which I have in the Town of Scarboro' aforesd after the Decease of my said Wife. And the rest of my Estate which I have not disposed in this my Will, I give to be equally divided among my Children. It is to be under-Stood by me that my Said Wife is to have ye Improvemt of all my Estate during her Life. In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand & Seal they Day & Year above written.

Signed Sealed published pronounced
   & declared by ye Sd Iohn Bryant
   as his last Will & Testament, in
   presence of us, the Subscribers,
   Nathl Milliken Iosiah Graffam,
   Sylvanus Scott.
Iohn Bryant (Seal)
   his mark
   Probated 7 July 1760. Inventory returned 29 Sept. 1760, at £334: 0: 8, by Martyn Jose and John Fabyan, appraisers.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 888, citing Probate Office, 10, 178.

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