The Will of William Spencer
From York County Probate Records, Volume One (1680-1706)
In the name of God Amen. The last Will and Testament of William Spencer being in perfect memory and of a disposing mind and being willing and desirous to Settle and dispose of what God hath giuen me and to preuent trouble not knowing how Soon God may please to take me out of this troublesom world I doe hereby Declare this to be my last Will and Testament as followeth
Imprs I doe bequeath my Soule into the hands of Jesus Christ my blessed Sauiour and redeemer And my body to the earth to be Decently buried/ And after my ffunerall Charges be Defrayd and my honest Debts payd I doe Dispose of the rest of my Estate as followeth
2ly I doe giue and bequeath all my Lands Meadows houses and Cattle and all my whole Estate both with dores and with dores unto my Louing Nephew Humphrey Spencerto be my whole & Sole Executr to se this my Will fulfilled in Confirmation here of I the said Willam Spencer haue hereunto Set my hand and Affixed my seale this Eighteenth day of June one thousand Six hundred Eighty and Seuen and in the third year of the Reign of our Soueraign Lord James ye Second by the grace of God of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland King Defendr of the ffaith &c
Signed Sealed & deliuered In the presents of us George Broughton Stephen Hardison John Cooper Anthony Bracket Thomas Goodwin |
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William Spencer (his Seale) |
March. 11. 1696 My will is that after my Decease that my now seruant Moses Spencer shall well and truly Serue the remainer of his time with Humphrey Spencer According to InDentures, and after his Said time be Compleated that ye said Humphrey Spencer Shall Deliuer to said Moses that Meadow at ye Lower end of Wilcocks pond with ffifty acres of my Land Joyning to the Lower end of sd Marsh whereunto I haue Set my hand and Seal
Jn presents of us Anthony Bracket/ Thomas Goodwin |
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William Spencer (his Seale) |
Recorded 20th January: 1696-7. Inventory returned at £221: 06: 0 by Daniel Goodin Jr and Anthony Bracket, appraisers, 15 May 1696.
Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 110, citing Probate Office, 1, 28. |
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