The Will of Thomas Spinney
From York County Probate Records, Volume One (1680-1706)
I Thomas Spinney of Kittery in the County of Yorke in the Prouince of the Masachusets Bay in New England yeoman, being aged and uery weak and Infirm in body but by the mercy of God, of Perfect Mind Memory and calling to Mind the Mortallity of My body, not knowing how soon it may please god to remoue me hence Do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former and other Wills at any time by me made either by word or Writing. That is to Say. Principally and first of all.
I recomend my soul to god my blessed Creator and my body to the Earth to be buried in such Decent and Christian manner as to my Executor hereafter Named shall Seem meet, not doubting but at the General resurection to receiue the same again by the mighty power of God/ and touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased god to bless me in this life I giue Devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and forme
Imprs I giue and bequeath unto my well beloued son Samuel Spinney one feather bed bolster two pillows two blankets one rug one bedsted standing now in the Chamber ouer the Hall and the sett of Curtains & vallts that now belongs to it; I also giue him all my wearing Clothes both Wollen and linnen, Except my best coat and hatt, with a confirmation of fifteen Acres of land formerly to him given as by Deed of Gift may appear
2dly I giue and bequeath unto my well beloued son James Spinney one Yoake of oxen, one Cow & four Ewe sheep.
3dly I giue and bequeath unto my welbeloved son Thomas Spinney, my best Wearing Coat & best hatt, and fiue pounds in money.
4dly I giue and bequeath unto my wellbeloved son John Spinney all the land which had in Exchange, of my Daughter Hannah Fernald and Nathaniel Fernald, also twenty acres of land on the back side of the Great Coue lying betwene the land of Samuel Spinney and the land of Nathaniel Fernald which was formerly purchased of Mr Richard Jose, I do also giue unto my said son John all my Houshold stuff and other my personal Estate Except what I haue giuen to any other in this my Will
5dly I giue unto my Daughter Hannah Fernald three pounds in money, one pair of Sheets and my largest Bible,
6dly I giue and bequeath unto my Grand Children each of them one shilling in money.
7ly I giue and bequeath unto my two grand Daughters namly Mercy and Margery, all my Pewter that belongs to the Shelues in my Hall, two brass Candlesticks, one cupboard, & one table which stands in the Chamber ouer Sd Hall to be Equally divided betwene them by my son John Spinney their Father when they ariue to ye age of Eighteen years or be marryed, and if it soe happen that either of them should die before they come to age or be marryed, Then the whole to be the Survivrs.
8ly I do make ordain and constitute my welbeloued son John Spinney aforesd, my onely and sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament and doe hereby Will and require him my sd Executor in all things faithfully to dispose of all and singular ye summ or summs of money goods or Chattels mentioned and by me given in this my Will, and also to pay all my Just Debts wherein I stand obleiged; In Witness whereof I the sd Thomas Spinney have hereunto set my hand and seal this Ninth day of July, In the Thirteenth year of the Reigne of our Soveraign Lord William the third King ouer England &c : and in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seaven Hundred and one.
Signed & sealed and Published In presence of vs Thomas Fernald Mary X Fernald Her marke Jos : Hammond Judg of Probate &c: |
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Tho : Spinney (His : Seal:) |
Recorded 23 Sept. 1701.
Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 134, citing Probate Office, 1, 79. |
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