The Will of Thomas Curtis
From York County Probate Records, Volume One (1680-1706)
The last Will & Testament of Thomas Curtis of Yorke in the Province of Mayn New England although very weak in body yet of a perfect Memory & of a disposing mind, do order and dispose of my outward Estate as followeth.
After my Just Debts be paid, & funerall expences be discharged,
1 I do in the first place give and bequeth Unto my Son Joseph Curtis living at Spruce Creek, halfe of yt Salt Marsh lying on the South West side of york River, betwene Richard Banks and my Selfe, equally to be divided, the quantity of Marsh being five acres, being bounded by Thomas Donnells marsh on the upper side and John Twisdens marsh on the lower side.
2, I do not give any thing by this my will unto my two sons, Benjamin and Samuel Curtis because I gave them their portions before in a farm at Scituate.
3 I give unto my Son Dodiuah Curtis Six acres of marsh called by the name of Thomas Curtis his marsh being a Cove of marsh lying betwene Major Davises & Georg Nortons marshes, I do further bequeath unto aforeSaid Son fifty Acres of Upland lying upon that marsh called by the name of Scituate marsh, & one quarter part of ye Said marsh.
4 I do give and bequeath unto my several Daughters as followeth.
To my Daughter Abigail Curtis five pounds
To my Daughter Hannah Jynkins Six pounds.
To my Daughter Lydia Curtis five pounds.
To my Daughter Cooke Six pounds.
To my Daughter Sarah Curtis five pounds.
To my Daughter Rebecka Curtis five pounds.
To my Daughter Anne Curtis five pounds.
the whole thirty two pounds to be payed by my Executor to the persons aboue mentioned out of my Estate, out of my stock, giving my Executor six month time after my decease.
5 I do give and bequeath unto my son Job Curtis my house and land, all my lands, with all my mouables therein belonging to me, belonging to it as it runs back into the Woods which I now live upon and have this many years Improved, I do further ordaine and Constitute This my Loving Son Job Curtis to be the Sole Executr to this my last Will and Testament, for payment of all Just Debts & Legacies as aboue ordered by me, which being by him truly discharged, whatsoever goods shall appear more to be left. I give and bequeath to my said Son Job as his own propper Estate.
I Testamony to the premisses aboue Written I haue hereunto Subscribed my hand and Seal this 19th day of aprill in 4th year of ye Reign of our Soueraign Ld James second of England, Scotland, France and Ireland King 1680
Signed Sealed & delivered in the presence of Samuel Moody Arthur X Came his marke |
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Thomas Curtis (Seal) his marke |
Sworn to, 1 Oct. 1706. Recorded, 15 Oct. 1706. Inventory returned at £106: 15: 0, by Joseph Banks and Sam: Johnson, appraisers 2 Oct. 1706.
Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 146, citing Probate Office, 1, 126. |
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