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Maine Wills


The Will of Richard Nason

 New Search

 From York County Probate Records, Volume One (1680-1706)

   In the name of God Amen I Richard Nason of newchewanack in the Prouince of maine in New England hauing vpon me the Infirmitys of old age but of good and Perfect mind and Memory thanks be to Almighty god/ and Calling to Remembrance the vncertaine Estate of this Traincytory Life and that all flesh must yeld vnto death when it Shall Please God to Call Doe make Constitute ordaine and appoint and hereby doe declare this my Last will and Testament in maner and form following Reuokeing and Annulling by these Presents all and Euery Testament and Testaments Will and Wills heretofore by me made and declared Either by word or Wrighting/ and this Is to be taken only for my Last will and testament and none other

   and first being penitent from the bottom of my hart for my Sins Past most humbley Desiring forgiunesse for the Same I giue and Commit my Soul unto Allmighty God my Sauiour and Redeemer In whoome and by the merrits of Iesus Christ I Trust and beleue Asuredly to be Saued and to haue full Remission and forgiueness of all my Sins and that my body at ye Generall day of Resurection Shall arise againe with Joy and there in the merrits of Christs Death and passion possess and Inherit the Kingdom of heauen prepared for his Elect and Chosen. / and my body to be buried in a deasent maner where it shall Please my Executor heareafter named to apoynt And now for the Setleing of my Temporall Estate and Such goods Chattels and Debts as it hath pleased god to bestow vpon me I doe order giue & Dispose the same in maner and form following that is to say first I will that all those debts and duties as I owe in Right and Conscience to any person or persons whatsoeuer shall be well and truly Contented and paid or secured to be paid within Conuenient time after my Decease by my Executor hereafter named Shall be paid out of my whole Estate/

   Item I giue and bequeath vnto my beloued wife whatsoeuer was her former husbands Nicholas Follets as allsoe one of my best beds and furniture belonging vnto it and two Chests and Eight pounds in Siller Curant Money of New: England to be paid out of the whole Estate moreouer I giue vnto my Said wife one third of all the Indian Corn that Shall be left after my decease/ 2ly/ I will that those that Shall Enjoy my houseing Lands and Stock Shall pay vnto my sd wife Twelue pounds in money yearly for her mainteenance duering her Life

   3ly: All my other Estate whether in moueables as beding money granery or whatsoeuer Else not before giuen I will that it Shall be Equaly diuided between my own Children and Children in Law vizt/ John nason Ioseph nason Benjamin nason Baker nason Sarah Child Mary Witham Nicholas Follet and Sarah Meader

   And I doe herein nominate ordayne and appoynt my son Benjamin nason and Nicholas Follet to be my Executors both or Either of them in Case of Mortallity or absence att sea In Testimony whereof I haue unto this my will put my hand and Seale this fourteenth day of July one thousand Six hundered ninety and four and in ye Sixth yeare of ye Reign of our Soueraign Lord and Lady/ King William & Queen Mary ouer England Scotland france and Ireland Defendrs of ye faith.

Signed & Sealed
    In presents of us
   John Tucker
   Obadiah Morse
Richard Nason (his Seale)
   his mark
Henry Crown notary Publick for this Prouince New Hampsr
   Recorded 15 March, 1696-7.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 111, citing Probate Office, 1, 32.

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