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Maine Wills


The Will of Nyven Agnue

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume One (1680-1706)

   Know yee that I Nyven Agnue of Kittery in the Province of Main being Sick of Body but perfect of Memory, Thanks be to God, Doe Ordayn this my last Will & Testament as followeth, And whereas there are Some Debts Owing by James Barrow my Predecessor, and Some of those Debts unpayd, for the true payment whereof I doe make and Ordayne my trusty & well beloved freind John Taylor of Kittery in the Province of Main to be my whole & Sole Executon to See those my honest Debts paid & what Shall Remain of my Estate when all my Debts are pd if any Remain, my will is that Such Remaindure shall be equally divided between my Executor & Peter Grant of Kittery aferesd, And John Taylor my Executor, to give the one Moiety or half of the Remaindure to his Daughter Mary, And Peter Grant to give the half of the Remaindure unto his Daughter Elizabeth Grant, And this I do Acknowledge to be my last Will & Testament under my hand & Seale

Sealed & Acknowledged
   before us, Wittnesses
   Benjamin Nason
   James Warrin Junr
      ye mke
Nyven Agnu (seal)
   Sworn to by attesting witnesses Sept. 16, 1687; and recorded 10th Oct., 1687. Inventory returned 27 Nov. 1686 at £79: 19: 01, by George Broughton and Tho. Abbott appraisers.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 104, citing Probate Office, 1, 3.

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