The Will of Micom Mecantire
From York County Probate Records, Volume One (1680-1706)
In the Name of God Amen:
The last will and Testament of Micom Mecantire, I being in my usual health and right mind and sound Judgment,
First I give my soul to god that gaue it.
Secondly I giue my body to the earth to be decently buried, by my three sons, John, Daniel, and Micom, and as for the good things of this world that god hath bestowed upon me I giue and dispose of, as followeth.
Thirdly I giue to my son John Mecantire all my homested both housing and land and fenceing likewise I giue to him twenty acres of wood land, which was granted to me by the Town on this side the river and lyeth by the way yt goeth to newichawonick, and also I giue to him twenty acres of land on the other side of the riuer of yorke out of my threescore that I haue there, of that land I had Of Micannive and my father Pierce, and also I giue to him one third part of that land of mine at the Partings, or thereabouts aboue the Ministers Creek
Fourthly : I giue to my son Daniel Micantire all that Land I had of John Carmeale, which lyeth near Arther Bragdons Junier, also I giue to him twenty acres of land on the other side of yorke riuer adjoyning to Micoms land my son, also I giue to him one third part of that land at the partings or thereabouts aboue the Ministers Creek.
fifthly I giue to my son Micom Meacantire all my lands at Bass coue that I had of my father Pierce, Also I giue to him twenty acres of land on the other side yorke Riuer, adjoyning to Daniels my sons land, and also I giue to him one third part of that land of mine at the partings, or thereabouts aboue the Ministers Creek.
Sixthly my will is that my Marsh or meadow both salt and fresh be Equally diuided betwene my three sons, John, Daniel, and Micom, as and at the dicrestion of my ouerseers of this my will.
Seauenthly my will is that all my stock of Cattle or Creatures be equally diuided betwene my three sons abouesd as my ouerseers shall see good.
Eigthly. I giue to my son John his choyce of my Iron pots; and also his choyce of my three pair of plow Irons.
Ninthly : I giue to my Son Daniel the next Choyce of my pots and plow Irons.
Tenthly. I giue to my son Micom the other Iron pott, and plow Irons, and as for the rest of my houshold goods to be equally divided betwene my three sons, as my ouerseers shall see good.
Eleauenthly. My will is that if either of my sons dye without an Heir lawfully begotten of his body that all his lands shall fall to the suruiuors of my Children.
Tweluethly my will is that neither of my sons shall sell or dispose of any lands or meadows any wayes except that seauenty acres at the partings, or aboue the ministers Creek, It is to be understood that thirty acres of this seauenty lyeth near my marsh and the other fourty, I had of my Father Pierce, This is the land that is equally divided betwene My three sons aboue spoken of.
Thirteenthly. my Will is that if my son (shall go away I mean my son John) from me before my death, and not help me in carrying on my business, that he shall haue but an equall share with his brothers of all my Estate both Real and Personal. The ouerseers shall be paid for their trouble out of the Estate.
Lastly. my Will is that my True and trusty friends Mr Samuel Donnell Esqr and Mr James Plaisted both of yorke shall be my ouerseers of this my will to see that right and Justice be done betwene my Children. In witness whereof, and for confirmation of all and singular the premises I haue hereunto set my hand and seal this seaventeenth day of Aprill anno : Domini, One Thousand seauen hundred, and in the Twelueth year of his majts Reign, King of England &c:
Signed sealed & delivered in presence of us Samuel Donnell Samuel Donnell Junr James March |
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Micom Mecantire (Seal) his marck |
Probated 2 Oct., 1705. Recorded 21 Oct., 1705. Inventory returned 22 March 1704-5, at £122: 19: 0 by Joseph Storer and Joseph Hill appraisers. Debts due from the estate to James Gooch: William Sayer: Joseph Whelwright. Inventory returned 8 Nov., 1705, at £190: 00: 00 by Richard Milbry and Samuel Donnell, appraisers.
Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 141, citing Probate Office, 1, 111. |
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