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Maine Wills


The Will of Martha Taylor

 New Search

 From York County Probate Records, Volume One (1680-1706)

   In the Name of God Amen I Martha Taylor of the Town of Kittery and County of Yorke in New England being sick of body but of Sound and disposing memory, praise be given to God for the same, Doe make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, first and principally I resigne my Soul into the hands of almighty God my Creator, Assuredly hoping through the Merits of my blessed Sauior to obtain pardon and remission of all my sins, and my body I commit to the Earth from whence it was taken, to be decently buried at the discretion of the Executor to this my last Will and Testament, hereafter Named, and as for my Worldly goods I dispose of as followeth.

   Imprimis I giue and bequeath unto my daughter Mary one Green Rugg.

   2ly I giue and bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah Clarke my wolling wearing Cloathing and two shifts.

   3ly I giue and bequeath vnto my Daughter Deliverance Gooding one sheet and two shifts

   4ly I giue and bequeath unto my Daughter Abigail Gooding one sheet and two shifts.

   5ly I doe leaue the rest of my goods and Estate to defray my funeral Charges and to pay my lawfull Debts, and if any shall remaine after my Debts and funeral be Answered the same I giue and bequeath unto my Grandaughter Margaret Gooding.

   6ly I doe ordaine and appoint my son in law William Gooding to be Executor to this my last will and Testament and for Confirmation hereof I Set to my hand and Seal this Seuenth day of September, 1702

   Allin X fur his marke
   James Warren
} witness
Martha Taylor (Seal)
      her marke
   Probated 10 Feb., 1702/3; Recorded 5 March 1702/3. Inventory returned 5 March, 1702/1703 at £10: 10: 00 by Thomas Goodwin and James Emery appraisers.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 139, citing Probate Office, 1, 87.

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