The Will of Joan Young
From York County Probate Records, Volume One (1680-1706)
In the name of God Amen I Ioan Young of York in the County of York in Province of the Massachusets Bay in New England Widow & Relict of Rowland Young of York Deceased being at present under Indisposition of body & much weakness and not knowing how it may please God to deale with me but being at prsent of a well disposing mind and Sound Memory doe make this my last Will and Testament as followeth.
Imprs I doe by ffaith and prayer recomend my precious and immortall Soul into the hands of my precious & Dear redeemer ye Lord Jesus Christ And my body to be committed unto ye dust from whence it came by a Decent & Christian buriall in hopes of a Joyfull and a happie resurrection And as for ye Small Estate I am at present possessed of my will and pleasure is that it be disposed of as ffolloweth vizt I doe Will and bequeath unto my Son Rowland Yount four Acres of that Marsh of mine up in York Riuer and three and twenty Acres of Land lying on the South Side of York Riuer ouer against his now dwelling house in York to be peaceably Enjoyed by him and his heires for ever.
Item I doe Will and bequeath unto my Son Job Young all ye housing and land where my old dwelling house now Stands Adjoyning to George Norton to be for his use and improvement while he liues but not to be Sold nor Alienated by him ye sd Job Young but to Descend unto his Son or Male heires of his body And in Case of failure unto the ffemales/ as Also three Acres of Marsh up ye Riuer & two sheep
Item I doe giue unto my daughter Mary Molton Six shillings.
Item I doe giue and bequeath unto my daughter Lydia Haines three Acres of Marsh Lying up in York Riuer And all my Neat Cattle and two Sheep And all my cloathing and bedding And as for my ffunerall and other Charges And Lawfull Debts my Will and pleasure is that they be answered and discharged in the first place out of the whole And that all and all manner of Debts that are due to me be Added unto ye whole for ye defraying of these Charges And further I doe hereby make Constitute and Appoint my trustie and Welbeloued Son Rowland Young to be Sole Executr of this my last Will and Testament And my trusty and welbeloued ffriends Abraham Preble Esqr & Mr James Plaisted both of York to be overseers to See to ye due Execution and performance hereof And that this is my last Will & Testament And that I doe hereby revoke all former and other Wills Testaments conveyances and Alienations whatsoever about any of these Premises : I have hereunto put my hand and Seal by way of Testimony this twelfth day of May in ye year of our Lord one Six hundred Ninety and Eight In ye tenth year of his Majesties Reign.
Signed sealed and Deliuered in the presents of Isaac Negus Daniel Smith Thomas X Baker his X mark |
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Joan X Young (her Seal) her mark |
Sworn to 20 June 1698. Recorded 14 February 1698-9.
Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 124, citing Probate Office, 1, 57. |
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