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Maine Wills


The Will of James Warrin, Sr.

 New Search

 From York County Probate Records, Volume One (1680-1706)

   In the Name of God Amen, James Warrin Senr of the Parish of Barwick, in the Town of Kittery in the County of Yorke in New England Doe make & ordaine this my last Will and Testament as followeth, being Sick and weak of body but in good and Perfect Memory.

   Vizt. First I Commit my Soul to Grace and Mercy & my body to the dust to be decently buried at the decretion of my Executrs hereafter Named, and for the outward Estate which god has giuen me I doe dispose of as followeth.

   1. I doe giue unto my son Gilbart Warrin all that tract of land which I bought of John Dauis Lying in the Township of Yorke to him and to his Heirs foreuer

   2. I doe giue unto my son James Warrin all my other lands Marshes Medows buildings of all sorts lying in the Township of Kittery or elsewhere to him and his Heirs foreuer.

   3. I doe giue unto my Daughter Margaret Stagpoal fiue shillings.

   4. I doe giue unto my daughter Grizel fiue shillings.

   5. I doe giue unto my Grandaughter Jane Grant fiue shillings.

   6. I doe giue unto my Granson James Stagpoal one heifer & one ewe & a young sow.

   7. I doe giue unto Margaret Warren my louing Wife all the rest of my Estate it being Mouables for her Comfortable Maintenance, and no Legacie before Mentioned to be demanded till her decease.

   8. I doe Constitute & appoint My Louing Wife Margaret & my son James Warrin to be Executrix and Executors to this my Will & Testament made this ninth day of december one Thousand Seauen Hundred, as Wittness my hand.

Witness vs
   Robert X Gray
      his marke
   James X Stacpole
      his marke
   Nicholas Gowin
James Warrin his marke
   Probated 24 Dec. 1702. Recorded 14 Janry. 1702/3. Inventory returned 15 Dec. 1702, at £228: 5: 4 by Peter Grant and William Goodwin appraisers.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 137, citing Probate Office, 1, 85.

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