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Maine Wills


The Will of Henry Milbury

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume One (1680-1706)

   In the name of God, Amen : I Henry Milbury of York in the County of York in the Prouince of the Massachusetts bay in New England, Weak and decaying in body but of Sound Memory & Judgment, and good understanding do make this my Last Will & Testament as followeth. viz :

   My precious and Immortal soul, my better part, I do by Faith and Prayer Commend into ye hands of the Lord Jesus Christ my blessed and deer Redeemer.

   My Mortal body to be committed to the Dust by a decent & Christian Buriall.

   And as for the Portion of Worldly Goods, which God by his providence has giuen to me my Will and Desire is that it should be disposed as followeth, viz:

   Imps:: I do will and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Blacklidge the sum of ten Shillings mony.

   Item. Unto my beloved Daughter Johannah Letherby I do bequeath ten Shillings

   Item: Vnto my beloved Daughter Lydia Linscott the sum of ten shillings.

   Item: Unto my Dear Daughter now in Captivity with the Indians Dorothy Milbury, I will and give the sum of five pounds, In Case she return by Gods good Providence from Captivity, but not 'till then to be paid; which Legacy I intend not payable by my son at all if she neuer return

   Item: I giue and bequeath unto my Grandson Samuell Pain ye sum of ten shillings and to my two Grand children Bethiah Pain and William Milbury ten shillings a peice; the Legacy to William Milbury not payable till he come of age

   And as for the rest of my Temporall Estate that shall remain after these Legacies specified are answered; and after my Lawfull debts and funerall Expences are discharged; I do will and bequeath and freely giue it unto my trusty and well beloued son Richard Milbury; with all my houses, Lands, Chattells whatsoeuer with all the priviledges and appurtinances there unto belonging or in any wise appertaining: to him and to his Heirs for ever and to his and their sole and proper use and benefit: and do further by these Presents Constitute & appoint my sd son Richd Milbury to be sole Executor of this my Will and Testamt, to se to the due and Just Execution and the fulfilment of it, according to the tenour thereof, paying the aboue sd Legacies respectively in mony or Equivalent to mony; & y wthout fraud or delay after my decease, till when he is under no obligation: And for the Confirmation hereof, even of this my Last Will and Testament and the Disanulling of all former Wills whatsoever I the said Henry Milbury have hereunto Affixed and Annexed my hand & Seal this tenth day of June in the year of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred ninety and five

   Annoque Regni Regis Gulielmi, Angliæ Scotiæ & 3tii Septimo

Signed Sealed & deliuered
   In presence of us
   Samuell Donnell
   Samuel Johnson
   John Hancock
Henry Milbury
  his mark: (seal)
   Sworn to, Oct., 1st 1695, by the attesting witnesses and Recorded Oct., 8, 1695

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 108, citing Probate Office, 1, 24.

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