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Maine Wills


The Will of Francis Raynes

 New Search

 From York County Probate Records, Volume One (1680-1706)

This 21th, of august 1693

   In the Name of God. I doe bequeath my soul to the Lord that gave it, and to Jesus Christ my Redeemer by whom I hope to be Saved, As for my Estate, I dispose of as followeth. I give unto my wife my farm I live in, one half so long as she liveth, the other halfe I give unto my son Nathaniel Raynes with her to manageit with her.

   I give unto my wife Elinor Raynes all my houshold goods and leave it to her dispose, Likewise I further give my Farm after their death unto Francis Raynes the Son of Nathaniel Raynes, I give unto John Raynes the halfe farm I bought of Mr Shapleigh paying the annual so long as it is due, further I give unto Nathan Raynes the son of Nathaniel Raynes a Tract of land I bought of Thomas Crocket of thirty Acres lying Betwene my Farms, further I give unto Francis Hodsdon the Son of Joseph Hodsdon the plantation which his father lived in at the head of braue boat Harbour, with four acres of meadow and the upland which was laid out to it.

   For my Cows I leave with my Executors to pay what I shall give unto my grand Children all my sheep I give unto Francis Raynes. My cows in John Woodmans hands with all the Increase I give unto my daughter Woodmans Children to be divided betwene them. I give unto John Dimonds Children ten shillings a piece, I give unto Joseph Hodsdons Children ten shillings a piece, unto Samuel Mathews Children ten shillings a piece; I give unto my daughter Woodman twenty shillings, I give unto Samuel Matthews wife twenty shillings I give unto Elizabeth Hodsdon my grand Child Ten pounds to be paid when she is of age, besides her ten shillings formerly given. I give unto John Woodman Twenty shillings. I give unto Samuel Matthews Twenty shillings I give unto David Mendum the four pounds John Woodman oweth me for the horse, to be paid him when he is of age. I give unto Elinor Raynes Twenty shillings. I give unto Nathaniel Raynes twenty shillings. What I have here given I desire my Executors to pay out of my Estate. I do hereby ordain and Constitute my wife Elinor Raynes, and my son Nathaniel Raynes my Executors Jointly one with the other for to perform this my last will and Testament fully as they will answere it another day.

   I ffrancis Raynes being in my perfect health and memory do make this my last Will and Testament of the Estate I have in this life, and do give my Executors the full power of it, to perform what is aboue mentioned after my decease.

My own hand      
ffrancis Raynes


   Nathaniel Raynes}
   John WoodMan}
   ffrancis Raynes Junr}

   Recorded 15 Oct., 1706.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 145, citing Probate Office, 1, 125.

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