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Maine Wills


The Will of Francis Hook

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume One (1680-1706)

   I ffrancis Hook of Kittery in the County of York, being of perfect memory and understanding, but not knowing how long it may please God to continue me in this life, doe hereby constitute declare and ordain this to be my last will & Testament reuoking all manner of Wills heretofore made or declared Either by word or writing

   Imprimis I recomend my Soul into ye hands of Almighty God, hoping free & full remission in & thorow ye Merits of my Blessed Sauir, My body I commit unto ye graue in ordr to a Christian buriall, the managemt of which I leaue to ye Discresion of my Executrix & ouerseers hereafter Nominated/ What worldly Estate it hath pleased ye Lord to giue me whether Reall or psonall consisting either in housing lands Shipping, Negros, Debts househould goods of any kind or whatsoeuer Else to me appertaining I giue unto my beloued wife, whom I here make & constitue my sole Executrix/ Unto ye Reuerend Mr Joshua Moodey I giue fiue pounds requesting him ye sd Mr Moodey & my beloued friend Samuel Penhallow to be my ouerseers of this my last will & Testament, whom I desire to be assistants unto my Executrix upon all ocations/ My will & desire is that my boy Samuel be brought up in ye fear of God and disposed of to a Religeous family when my wife dies

   The payment of my Just Debts and Defraying of my ffunerall Charges I strictly oblige my Executrix to be mindfull off. In Testimony to all & Singular ye premises I haue hereunto Set my hand & affixed my Seal This 9th of January 1694-5

Signed Sealed & Deliuered
   in ye presents of us
   John Euerett
   William ffernald
   John Woodman
ffrancis Hooke (his Seal)
   Recorded Feb. 25th 1695-6: Inventory returned Feb., 8, 1694-5 at £232-16 by William ffernald, Elihue Gunnison, appraisers.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 107, citing Probate Office, 1, 18.

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