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Maine Wills


The Will of Ephraim Crocket

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume One (1680-1706)

   The Last Will and Testament of Ephraim Crocket being weak in body but of perfect memory being Sencible of the Dept I ow to nature per death the which I am in dayly expectacion off, and for the prevention of distraccion after my decease am willing to settle my little Estate God hath given me in this world/

   viz : I committ my Soule to God and my body to ye Earth to be decently buried att the discretion of my wife and my Estate to be disposed in manner and forme as followeth. /

   viz I Will and determin that all my just and honest debts and funerall charges shall be wel and truly satisfied and paid

   2 I Will that all my Estate both Lands and moveables remaine in the hands of my well beloved wife An Crocket till my Son Ephraim Crocket shall come to age

   3 I will give and bequeath to my Son Ephraim Crockett all my house and Land where now I dwell as alsoe all that peece of Salt Marsh at Broadboate harbour which I bought of Captn Champernown for an Inheritence to him & his heires for ever

   4 I will that my now wife Anna Crockett shall have possesse and quietly enjoy the one halfe of this my house and Land and Marsh dureing her Naturall life/

   5 I will that my Son Ephraim Crockett shal enter into possession of the one halfe of my house Land & Marsh abovesaid when he comes to age and the other halfe to returne to him ye sd Ephraim Creckett att the decease of my wife. /

   6 I give and bequeath to my wife all my moveables as Cattle Sheep horses Swine or any other thing either abroad or att home wthin doores or wthout for her support and maintenance dureing her life here and that wtsoever shall remayne of my moveables att her decease shall retorne to my Son Ephraim Crockett. /

   7 I give and bequeath to my son Richard Crockett forty Acres of Land lyeing neare the Mast way to him and his Heires for ever. / And one Cow

   8 I will and bequeath to my daughters Sarah and Mary Crockett twenty pounds a peece to be paid to them by my Eldest son Ephraim Crocket att the decease of my wife. /

   9 That Whereas my ffather Thomas Crockett did in his life tyme give Lay out and bound a peece of his Neck of Land which was in his owne possession to my sister An Roberts as alsoe a peece of sd Neck of Land to my Sister Sarah Parrett as their Marriage portions my Will is the said Land thus given by my father shall stand good to my Sisters and their Heires for ever/

   10 I Will choose and appoint my trusty and faithfull friends Bror Joshua Crockett Richard Cutt and William Scrivener as Overseers of this my Last Will and Testament In Wittnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale this 17th of July in the year of our Lord 1688

Signed and Sealed in ye
   prsence of us
   William Screven
   Richard Cutt
   Humphrey Churchwood
Ephraim Crocket (seal)
  his mark
   Sworn to and Recorded March 13th, 1688-9. Inventory returned Sept., 10, 1688 at £49: 01: 08, by Nicholas Weekes William ffernald, appraisers.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 106, citing Probate Office, 1, 10.

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