The Will of Enoch Hutchings
From York County Probate Records, Volume One (1680-1706)
In the Name of god Amen the 7th day of June 1693 and in the 5th year of ye Reign of our Soueraign Lord and Lady King William and Queen Mary Enoch Hutchings Being aged and Weak in Body But of Sound and Perfect Memory Praise Begiuen to Allmighty God for the same and knowing the uncertainty of this Life on Earth and that all flesh must yeeld to Death When it shall please allmighty god to Call thereunto and Being Desierous to settle things in ordr Doe make this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say first and Principally I commend my Soull to allmighty god my asuredly Beleuing that I shall Receiue full Pardon and free Remission of all my sins and that I shall Be saued By the Pretious Death and merrits of my Blessed Sauiour and Redeemer Christ Jesus and my Body To ye Earth from Whence it was taken to Be Buried in Such Decent and Christian maner as to my Executrs hereafter named Shall Bee thought-meet and conuenient and touching Such Worldly Estate as ye Lord in Mercy hath Lent mee my Will and meaning is that ye same Shall Bee Imployed and Bestoed as hereafter By this my Will is Expressed and first I doe Reuoake Renounce ffrustrate and make Voyd all Wills By me formerly made & Declared and appoint this to Bee my Last Will and Testament.
Item : I giue and Bequeath unto Mary my Beloued Wife all my wholl Estate whatsoeuer Dureng her Widdowhood as howsing Lands Cattle household Stuff and other Implemts Whatsoeuer to haue and to hold During her naturall Life Prouided she Remaine a Widdow and after her Decease or Mariage with any other man my Will is that all my Whole Estate Be Diuided amongst my Children in maner and form following
Item : I giue and Bequeath unto Enoch my Beloued son my house and thirty acres of Land Joyning to it which Lyeth and is Scituate at ye head of ye Estern Creeck in Spruce creek Being thirty Pole wide or in Bredth By the Water side to have and to hold ye said thirty Acres of Land & house to him and his heirs Lawfully Begotten of his Body foreuer.
Item : I giue and Bequeath vnto my son Joseph twenty fiue Acres of Land at ye head of ye Eastern Creeck Joyning to his Brother Enochs Land and on ye South side thereof in Bredth twenty fiue pole and ye Rest of ye Remaining Bredth containing fiue acres ye sd Joseph alowing ye same Bredth and Quantity to his Brother John for a way to ye water side or for other Uses next to his Brother Enochs Land To Haue and to hold ye sd Land as it is specified to him and his heirs Lawfully Begotten foreuer Vnless ye sd Joseph shall se good to Dispose of ye Primisses to one of his Brothers.
Item/ I giue and Bequeath unto my son John Ten acres of Land Lying at ye head of my aboue said Lands Before giuen to my son Enoch and Joseph Being an additionall Grant to ye former and fiue acres out of Josephs for a way and other uses as is Expressed in his Brother Josephs Legacy.
Item/ I giue and Bequeath unto my youngest son Jonathan my Garison house Wherein I now Dwell and ye other house By it and all ye Barns and out houses and all ye Land thereto Belonging about Thirty acres more or less fronting the maine Creeck Bounded in Bredth By Rowland Williams and Martins Coue and so Back into ye Woods as far as my Land Runns allway Prouided and to Be understood that my sonns Enoch Joseph and John are enter & Possess their Seueral Leagacys Imediately after my Decease and that my son John shall haue Liberty to Dispose of his Land to one of his Brothers and to no other prson/ this Later Claues to Be understood according to True meaning though any thing to ye Contrary abouesd
Item I giue and Bequeath unto my two sonns Benjamin and Samuell all my stock of Cattle of what kind soeuer to Be deuided Between ym according to my Wifes Discreation:
Item/ I giue and Bequeath unto my two Daughters Mary and Sarah all my houshold stuff as Beding Linin and Woollen Peuter and Brass and Iron and uessels of Wood/
And Last of all I doe nominate and appoint my three friends vizt the Worshipfull Capt ffrancis Hook and mr Richard Cutt and Wm Godsoe To Be Executors of this my Last Will and Testamt Witness my hand and seall ye year and day aboue written
Signed Sealed and Deliuered In pesence of us Rowland Williams The Signe of Henry X Benson Wm Godsoe |
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the Sign of Enoch E : H Hutchings (his Seal) |
Recorded 20 October 1698. Inventory sworn to and returned 18 July 1698, at £366: 11: 09 by the widow, which states that said Hutchings deceased May ye 9th 1698. Debts due the estate from Cap Pickrin: Dauid Hutchins: Rowland Williams: John Williams: John: Martin: Wm Hilton Senr: Enoch Hutchings: Bartholomew: Steuenson.
Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 119, citing Probate Office, 1, 49. |
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