Search Results
Results 151 to 175 of 334
Subject | Description | Year | |
151 | Little River Bridge | An Act authorizing the erection of a bridge over the tide waters of Little River in the Town of Perry | 1845 |
152 | Logs, Masts and Spars | Report on the Petition of Joshua Patterson and others for the freedom of navigable tide waters of the Georges River and remonstrance of John Creighton and others | 1854 |
153 | Long, Robert and others | An Act to authorize Robert Long and others to extend their wharf beyond tide waters | 1864 |
154 | Lord, Job and others | An Act authorizing Job Lord and associates to extend a wharf at Winterport into tide waters of the Penobscot River | 1864 |
155 | Lubec | An Act authorizing the extension of a wharf into tide waters at Lubec (No Petition) | 1852 |
156 | Lubec | An Act to amend an Act authorizing John O'Donald to build and maintain a fish weir in tide waters, approved March 28, 1853 | 1854 |
157 | Lubec Petition Signers | An Act authorizing John O'Donald to build and maintain a fish weir in tide waters and remonstrance of Jeremiah Emerson and others | 1853 |
158 | Machias | An Act authorizing the Town of Machias to establish a way and erect a bridge over tide waters | 1842 |
159 | Machiasport Wharf | An Act authorizing the erection of a wharf in tide waters in Machiasport and remonstrance of Jonathan Marston | 1852 |
160 | Marston, Elias P. and others | A bill to erect a bridge between Westbrook and Falmouth at Martin's Point over tide waters | 1864 |
161 | Marston, Jonathan | An Act authorizing the erection of a wharf in tide waters in Machiasport and remonstrance of Jonathan Marston | 1852 |
162 | Martin's Point | A bill to erect a bridge between Westbrook and Falmouth at Martin's Point over tide waters | 1864 |
163 | Martin's Point Bridge | Report on a bill to extend the jurisdiction of the County Commissioners of Cumberland County across certain tide waters | 1865 |
164 | Mayo, John M. and others | Report on the Petition of John M. Mayo and others for authority to build a dam across tide waters | 1851 |
165 | McLellan, George W. and others | A bill to build and maintain one or more fishing weirs in the tide waters of Sandy Cove, Haycock's Harbor | 1864 |
166 | Means, Otis W. and others | An Act authorizing the erection of a wharf in tide waters in Machiasport and remonstrance of Jonathan Marston | 1852 |
167 | Morton, Leander | An Act to authorize Leander Morton to construct a wharf in tide waters in the Town of Bristol | 1854 |
168 | Moulton,William and others | Report on the Petition of William Moulton and others for the repeal of the law authorizing the City of Portland to lay out and construct streets over tide waters | 1850 |
169 | New Castle Petition Signers | An Act to authorize the County Commissioners of the County of Lincoln to lay out a road over tide waters and remonstrance of Samuel Teague and others | 1848 |
170 | Newcastle | An Act authorizing the Lincoln County Commissioners to lay out a road over tide waters | 1847 |
171 | Nobleboro | Report on the Petition of Lot Barstow and others that the County Commissioners of Lincoln County be authorized to lay out a road over tide waters | 1846 |
172 | Nobleboro | An Act authorizing the Lincoln County Commissioners to lay out a road over tide waters | 1847 |
173 | Nutt, John F. | An Act authorizing the erection of a bridge over the tide waters of Little River in the Town of Perry | 1845 |
174 | Nye, Eunice | An Act authorizing Eunice Nye to extend her wharf in Saco into tide waters in Saco River and remonstrance of N. Hill and others | 1853 |
175 | O'Brien, E. K. and others | Report on the petition of William C. Burgess and others to lay out and establish a road across the tide waters in Thomaston | 1862 |
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