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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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376Supreme Judicial Court, Knox CountyAn Act to change the time of holding the April Term of the Knox County Supreme Judicial Court, & of the May Term of the said court in Lincoln County1864
377Supreme Judicial Court, Knox CountyAn Act to abolish the February Term of the Supreme Judicial Court for Knox County and to change the time of holding the April Term1865
378Supreme Judicial Court, Lincoln CountyAn Act altering the time of the fall term of the1830
379Supreme Judicial Court, Lincoln CountyAn Act altering the time of holding the sessions of the Supreme Judicial Court in Lincoln County1844
380Supreme Judicial Court, Lincoln CountyAn Act establishing an additional term of the Supreme Judicial Court in the County of Lincoln1861
381Supreme Judicial Court, Lincoln CountyAn Act to change the time of holding the May Term of the Supreme Judicial Court in Lincoln County1862
382Supreme Judicial Court, Lincoln CountyAn Act to change the time of holding the April Term of the Supreme Judicial Court in the County of Lincoln1863
383Supreme Judicial Court, Lincoln CountyAn Act to change the time of holding the April Term of the Knox County Supreme Judicial Court, & of the May Term of the said court in Lincoln County1864
384Supreme Judicial Court, Oxford CountyAn Act to change the time of holding the August and November terms of the Supreme Judicial Court in Oxford County1864
385Supreme Judicial Court, Penobscot CountyReport on a bill to establish compensation of the Clerk of the Supreme Judicial Court in Penobscot County1863
386Supreme Judicial Court, Penobscot CountyAn Act to change the time of holding the August Term of the Supreme Judicial Court for criminal business within the County of Penobscot1864
387Supreme Judicial Court, Somerset CountyReport on the Petition of John S. Abbot and others that the time of holding the Supreme Judicial Court in Somerset County may be changed from September to November1846
388Supreme Judicial Court, Somerset CountyAn Act to change the time of holding the sessions of the Supreme Judicial Court in Somerset County1853
389Supreme Judicial Court, Somerset CountyAn Act to change the place of holding the Supreme Judicial Court in Somerset County and to change the Shiretown1865
390Supreme Judicial Court, Waldo CountyAn Act to dispense with the criminal business of the January Term of the Supreme Judicial Court in Waldo County1855
391Supreme Judicial Court, Washington CountyResolve in favor of John Gooch and others1853
392Supreme Judicial Court, Washington CountyAn Act to change the time of holding the April term of the Supreme Judicial Court in the County of Washington1854
393Supreme Judicial Court, York CountyAn Act to regulate the time of holding a session of the Supreme Judicial Court for the County of York1852
394Supreme Judicial Court, York CountyPetitions and remonstrances in relation to the passed law in relation to a January Term of the Supreme Judicial Court in York County1862
395Supreme Judicial Court, York CountyAn Act in relation to the January Term of the Supreme Judicial Court for the County of York1862
396Supreme Judicial Court, York CountyReport on a bill that the May Term of the Supreme Judicial Court to be held at York County, be held the 2nd Tuesday of May instead of the 4th Tuesday1863
397Tobey, Henry S. and othersAn Act to change the place of holding the Supreme Judicial Court in Somerset County and to change the Shiretown1865
398Trials, CriminalReport on the petition of the Mayor of Bangor regarding an additional term of the Supreme Judicial Court for criminal trials in Penobscot County1861
399Waldo CountyReport on the Order in regard to alteration of the times of holding the Supreme Judicial Court and Court of Common Pleas in1829
400Waldo County BarReport on a bill to increase the salaries of the Supreme Judicial Court Judges1861

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