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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 351 to 375 of 428

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351Supreme Judicial Court Law Term, Cumberland CountyAn Act to change the time of holding the Law Term of the Supreme Judicial Court in the County of Cumberland1863
352Supreme Judicial Court OpinionReport on the Order proposing certain questions to the Supreme Judicial Court relative to the Apportionment1841
353Supreme Judicial Court OpinionQuestions and opinions of the Justices on Senatorial Apportionment1841
354Supreme Judicial Court OpinionSupreme Judicial Court Opinion - The Commmmonwealth of Maine and Massachusetts vs Ira Fish1848
355Supreme Judicial Court OpinionSupreme Judicial Court Opinion of the Honorable Richard D. Rice relative to filling vacancies in the Senate1854
356Supreme Judicial Court OpinionSupreme Judicial Court Opinion of the Honorable John Appleton relative to filling vacancies in the Senate1854
357Supreme Judicial Court OpinionsHouse Order regarding the apportionment of Representatives1821
358Supreme Judicial Court OpinionsSee Rogers, James M. 1823 GY 21-2
359Supreme Judicial Court OpinionsSee Conflict of Interest 1825 GY 31-11
360Supreme Judicial Court OpinionsSenate Order requesting opinion regarding expenses for paupers, idle and indigent persons, and transients1825
361Supreme Judicial Court OpinionsOrder propounding certain questions to the Justices of, February 2, 18301830
362Supreme Judicial Court OpinionsQuestions propounded by Governor Hunton to the1830
363Supreme Judicial Court OpinionsOpinions of, in answer to questions propounded to them by the Honorable Joshua Hall, Acting Governor1830
364Supreme Judicial Court OpinionsQuestions to the, by Acting Governor January 23, 1830 and by the Executive Council January 25, 1830 with answers to same1830
365Supreme Judicial Court OpinionsOrder calling on the Secretary of State for copies of the, in answer to questions propounded to them by the Acting Governor and the Executive Council1830
366Supreme Judicial Court OpinionsQuestions submitted to, for their opinion relative to persons under care of Overseers of the Poor, being able to vote for State Officers, and answers to same1831
367Supreme Judicial Court RecordsReport of the York County Commissioners relative to a fire proof building at Alfred for the records and files of the Supreme Judicial Court and Registry of Deeds and Probate1851
368Supreme Judicial Court TermsAn Act to change the times of holding the terms of the Supreme Judicial Court1846
369Supreme Judicial Court, Aroostook CountyAn Act changing the time of holding the March Term of the Supreme Judicial Court in Aroostook County1864
370Supreme Judicial Court, Clerks ReturnsAn Act additional to Chapter 100 of the Revised Statutes1852
371Supreme Judicial Court, Franklin CountyAn Act to abolish the January term of the Supreme Judicial Court for the County of Franklin1855
372Supreme Judicial Court, Hancock CountyAn Act to abolish the January terms of the Supreme Judicial Court in the County of Hancock1854
373Supreme Judicial Court, Kennebec CountyAn Act altering the times of holding the several terms of the Supreme Judicial Court in the County of Kennebec and abolishing the criminal terms in said County1853
374Supreme Judicial Court, Knox CountyAn Act to change the time of holding the May Term of the Supreme Judicial Court in Knox County1862
375Supreme Judicial Court, Knox CountyAn Act to change the time of holding the May Term of the Supreme Judicial Court in Knox County1863

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