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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1An Act authorizing, in the Court of Common Pleas to practice law in the Supreme Judicial Court in certain cases1837
2An additional Act authorizing, in the Court of Common Pleas to practice law in the Supreme Judicial Court in certain places1838
3Order requesting the opinion of the Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court relative to the1838
4An Act giving to one Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court jurisdiction in cases of1838
5Report on the Order referring to so much of the Governor's Message as related to an additional Judge of the Supreme Judicial Court to the Judiciary1840
6Report on an Act relating to the transfer of actions in the Supreme Judicial Court1855
7Supreme Judicial Court Opinion relative to election of County Commissioners for Sagadahoc County (Original papers missing)1855
8Abbot, John S. and othersReport on the Petition of John S. Abbot and others that the time of holding the Supreme Judicial Court in Somerset County may be changed from September to November1846
9Acton Petition SignersPetitions and remonstrances in relation to the passed law in relation to a January Term of the Supreme Judicial Court in York County1862
10Alden, Hiram O. and othersAn Act to dispense with the criminal business of the January Term of the Supreme Judicial Court in Waldo County1855
11AlfredReport of the York County Commissioners relative to a fire proof building at Alfred for the records and files of the Supreme Judicial Court and Registry of Deeds and Probate1851
12Alfred Petition SignersPetitions and remonstrances in relation to the passed law in relation to a January Term of the Supreme Judicial Court in York County1862
13Allen, F. and othersReport on the Petition of F. Allen and others for a longer term of the Supreme Judicial Court for law arguments1846
14AppealsReport on the order to provide by law for, from the decisions of the Court of Sessions to the Supreme Judicial Court1827
15Appleton, JohnSupreme Judicial Court Opinion of the Honorable John Appleton relative to filling vacancies in the Senate1854
16ApportionmentOrder to prepare questions to be propounded to the Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court relative to, of Senators and Representatives1831
17ApportionmentReport on the Order proposing certain questions to the Supreme Judicial Court relative to the Apportionment1841
18Aroostook County BarReport on a bill to increase the salaries of the Supreme Judicial Court Judges1861
19Aroostook County Supreme Judicial CourtAn Act changing the time of holding the March Term of the Supreme Judicial Court in Aroostook County1864
20AttorneysResolve authorizing, in the Court of Common Pleas to practice Law in the Supreme Judicial Court in certain cases1835
21Attorneys Admitted to PracticeResolve authorizing the Court of Common Pleas and Supreme Judicial Court to admit certain persons to practice in said Courts respectively1823
22Bangor MayorReport on the petition of the Mayor of Bangor regarding an additional term of the Supreme Judicial Court for criminal trials in Penobscot County1861
23Bartlett, William and othersAn Act to change the place of holding the Supreme Judicial Court in Somerset County and to change the Shiretown1865
24Berwick Petition SignersPetitions and remonstrances in relation to the passed law in relation to a January Term of the Supreme Judicial Court in York County1862
25Billings, Ezra and othersPetitions and remonstrances in relation to the passed law in relation to a January Term of the Supreme Judicial Court in York County1862

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