Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1An Act to prohibit, from acting as Attorneys to parties in suits of law1836
2Report on the Petition for an alteration in the law respecting suits returnable before Justices of the Peace1840
3Report on an Act to extend the time for the Franklin Bank to commence suits1855
4Acts and Resolves 1862, Chapter 106 Section 2An Act explanatory of Section 2 of Chapter 106 of the Public Laws of 1862 relating to suits against Volunteers1863
5Bangor BankAn Act to extend the time for the Bank of Bangor to maintain suits to collect its debts1850
6Bank of BangorAn Act to extend the time for the Bank of Bangor to maintain suits to collect its debts1850
7BanksReport on the Order relative to suits against Banking and other Corporations that have forfeited their Charters1844
8BanksAn Act to extend the time for the Bank of Bangor to maintain suits to collect its debts1850
9BondsReport on an Order relative to suits on bonds1843
10Chapter 106 Section 2, 1862 Public LawsAn Act explanatory of Section 2 of Chapter 106 of the Public Laws of 1862 relating to suits against Volunteers1863
11Charters ForfeitedReport on the Order relative to suits against Banking and other Corporations that have forfeited their Charters1844
12Civil WarAn Act in relation to suits in court against persons enlisted as volunteers in the service of the United States or in this State1862
13Civil WarAn Act amending the Act relating to suits against volunteers1862
14Civil WarAn Act explanatory of Section 2 of Chapter 106 of the Public Laws of 1862 relating to suits against Volunteers1863
15Coroners BondsAn Act relating to suits on Sheriffs and Coroners Bonds1842
16CorporationsReport on the Order relative to suits against Banking and other Corporations that have forfeited their Charters1844
17CorporationsReport on an Act in relation to witnesses in suits with corporations1851
18CorporationsA bill authorizing corporations to commence and maintain suits against the officers of such corporations1864
19Costs of SuitsReport on an Order relative to charging costs of suits in certain cases to the State or Counties1848
20Court ActionReport on the Order relative to suits against Banking and other Corporations that have forfeited their Charters1844
21Court ActionsReport on the Order relative to an Act for the continuance of suits1852
22Court CasesAn Act allowing office copies of deeds to be used in evidence in all suits where the title is in controversy1862
23Court CasesAn Act amending the Act relating to suits against volunteers1862
24Court CasesAn Act in relation to suits in court against persons enlisted as volunteers in the service of the United States or in this State1862
25Court CasesAn Act explanatory of Section 2 of Chapter 106 of the Public Laws of 1862 relating to suits against Volunteers1863

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