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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 226 to 239 of 239

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226State Prison, Report onResolve in favor of the State Prison1862
227Stone QuarryResolve authorizing the Warden of the State Prison to sell certain property in the Town of Saint George1841
228Tarbox, BenjaminResolve in favor of certain menbers of the Legislature who visited the State Prison1851
229Teague, D. H. Resolve in favor of the Committee on the State Prison1861
230Thing, SamuelResolve in favor of certain Members of the Legislature who visited the State Prison1849
231Thomas, BenjaminResolve in favor of certain members of the Legislature who visited the State Prison1848
232ThomastonReport of the Warden of the State Prison1841
233Thomaston Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Thomas J. Rider and others requesting an investigation of certain charges against the Warden of the State Prison1847
234Treat, AdamsResolve authorizing the Governor and Council to settle the account of Adams Treat for services in superintending repairs of the State Prison1854
235Vinton, W. H.Resolve in favor of certain persons of the Legislature who visited the State Prison1854
236Walker, JamesResolve in favor of certain persons of the Legislature who visited the State Prison1853
237Wildes, John B.Resolve in favor of certain menbers of the Legislature who visited the State Prison1851
238Willis, Benjamin M.Resolve in favor of the State Prison Committee1862
239Woodbury, E.Resolve in favor of the Committee on the State Prison1861

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