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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Report on the Petition that Elisha McGaw may be remunerated for an injury sustained while in State Prison1839
2Report on the Order relative to allowing convicts in the State Prison a certain percentage of their earnings to be paid when their time expires1855
3AccountsResolve relating to the Maine State Prison1852
4Accounts AllowedResolve authorizing the Governor and Council to settle the account of Adams Treat for services in superintending repairs of the State Prison1854
5Acts and Resolves 1858, Chapter 016An Act to amend Chapter 16 of the Public Laws of 1858 entitled "An Act relating to the discipline of the State Prison"1864
6Allen, Samuel H.Resolve in favor of Samuel H. Allen and Thomas O'Brien for judgment against Warren W. Rice, Warden of the State Prison1864
7Arnold, AmbroseResolve in favor of certain persons of the Legislature who visited the State Prison1850
8Baker, Eli F.Resolve in favor of certain Members of the Legislature who visited the State Prison1849
9Bean, Eliphas C.Resolve in favor of certain menbers of the Legislature who visited the State Prison1851
10Bean, OliverResolve in favor of certain Members of the Legislature who visited the State Prison1849
11Benson, JohnResolve in favor of the State Prison Committee1862
12BooksResolve for the purchase of books for the use of inmates at the State Prison1850
13Bridges, JohnResolve in favor of certain menbers of the Legislature who visited the State Prison1851
14Building ConstructionResolve in relation to the State Prison1848
15Building RepairResolve in favor of State Prison1850
16Burpee, N. A.Resolve in favor of certain persons of the Legislature who visited the State Prison1854
17Carey, WilliamResolve in favor of the State Prison Committee1862
18Carlton, William F.Resolve in favor of certain menbers of the Legislature who visited the State Prison1851
19Carr, BenjaminResolve relating to the Maine State Prison1852
20Chaplain, Maine State PrisonAn Act to abolish the office of Chaplain in the State Prison1854
21ChaplainsAn Act providing for the appointment of a permanent Chaplain for the Maine State Prison1841
22ChaplainsReport on an Act repealing an Act providing for a permanent Chaplin at Maine State Prison1843
23ChaplainsReport on an Act providing for the appointment of a State Prison Chaplain1848
24Chapter 016, 1858 Public LawsAn Act to amend Chapter 16 of the Public Laws of 1858 entitled "An Act relating to the discipline of the State Prison"1864
25Chapter 140 Section 14, Revised StatutesAn Act to amend Section 14 of Chapter 140 of the Revised Statutes relating to the service of process within the precincts of the State Prison1862

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