Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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426SenateSee Augusta Union Society 1832 GY 71-20
427SenateStanding Committees on Bills in Second Reading and Engrossed Bills1833
428SenateSee Read, John 1834 GY 83-11
429SenateQuestions and opinions of the Justices on Senatorial Apportionment1841
430SenateResolve in favor of Nehemiah Bartlett1850
431SenateReport on a Resolve in favor of Daniel Dam1852
432SenateResolve in favor of John Bridges (SS)1853
433SenateResolve in favor of Warren H. Vinton1853
434SenateReport on a bill to amend the State Constitution and Laws to provide for 21 in the Senate, 100 in the House, 2 year terms & biennial sessions1861
435SenateReport of the Judiciary Committee on the Apportionment of the House and Senate1861
436SenateReport on the petition of Samuel Adams & others for a Constitutional Amendment regarding the Executive Council, House, Senate, Governor and Selectmen1862
437SenateOrder that copies of the Revised Statutes, Worcester's Dictionary and Webster's Dictionary be made available for use of the Senate1862
438SenateOrder that the Rules and Orders of 1862 are to be used and distributed to the House and Senate1863
439SenateOrder for 5 copies of the Digest of Resolves for use of the Senate1863
440SenateOrder that one session of the Senate be held each day1863
441SenateOrder regarding a Joint Convention of both Houses1863
442SenateLegislative Orders - 18631863
443SenateOrder that the Secretary of State to distribute the Laws of the United States to the Senate1863
444SenateOrder to provide the Senate Journal for 1862 for the use of the Senate1863
445SenateOrder for a convention of both Houses to elect a Land Agent1863
446SenateLegislative Orders1864
447Senate AdjournmentOrder for the Senate Adjournment1863
448Senate AdjutantSecretary of the Senate to appoint assistant1823
449Senate ApportionmentResolve to apportion the State for Senators to the Legislature1852
450Senate ApportionmentResolve to apportion the State for Senators to the Legislature1861

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