Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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351Fugitives from JusticeReport of the Select Committee of the House of Delegates of Virginia on the controversy with the State of New York and the Resolves of the General Assembly of Maryland relating to the New York and Virginia controversy1842
352Geological SurveyResolves authorizing the continuation of the Geological and Agricultural Survey of the State1855
353Georgetown Petition SignersResolves for dividing the State into districts for the choice of Senators and for apportioning the Representatives among the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Plantations and Classes at the third apportionment and the remonstrance of Lorenzo S. Bumpus and1841
354GeorgiaResolves relating to the Communication from the General Assembly of Alabama concerning the matter between Georgia and Maine1842
355Gouldsboro Petition SignersResolves providing for an amendment to the Constitution in relation to the meeting of the Legislature1849
356GovernorResolves providing for amendments to the Constitution in relation to the meeting of the Legislature, the number of Representatives, and the term of office of the Governor and other State Officers1841
357GovernorResolves providing for an amendment of the Constitution in relation to the election of Governor, Senators and Members of the House of Representatives1847
358Governor's CommunicationCommunication from the Executive Department regarding the transmitted list of Acts and Resolves passed at the present session1865
359Governor's MessageResolves respecting the message of the Governor relating to the case of the Wentworths1850
360Governor's Message, February 22, 1833Communication from Honorable Peleg Sprague relative to the Resolves respecting the Senators of the United States from the State of Maine1833
361Gray Petition SignersResolves for dividing the State into districts for the choice of Senators and for apportioning the Representatives among the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Plantations and Classes at the third apportionment and the remonstrance of Lorenzo S. Bumpus and1841
362Great BritainResolves authorizing the appointment of Commissioners to locate grants and determine the extent of possessory claims under the late treaty with Great Britain1843
363Greene, NathanielSee Acts and Resolves, Printing of 1821 RS 4-75
364GunhousesResolves making appropriation for military purposes1844
365Hartford Petition SignersResolves for dividing the State into districts for the choice of Senators and for apportioning the Representatives among the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Plantations and Classes at the third apportionment and the remonstrance of Lorenzo S. Bumpus and1841
366Harvard UniversityResolves in relation to the distribution of certain documents to Bowdoin College, Waterville College and Harvard University1847
367Hebron Petition SignersResolves for dividing the State into districts for the choice of Senators and for apportioning the Representatives among the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Plantations and Classes at the third apportionment and the remonstrance of Lorenzo S. Bumpus and1841
368Heirs of Deceased VolunteersReport on a bill to amend Chapter 103 of the Resolves of 1862 regarding heirs, administrators or executors of deceased volunteers1863
369Hill, JacobResolves in relation to certain judicial proceedings1846
370Hiram Petition SignersResolves for dividing the State into districts for the choice of Senators and for apportioning the Representatives among the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Plantations and Classes at the third apportionment and the remonstrance of Lorenzo S. Bumpus and1841
371Historical DocumentsReport relative to Resolves of South Carolina requesting an interchange of Laws and Historical Documents1844
372Holmes, John and othersResolves providing for an amendment to the Constitution in relation to the meeting of the Legislature1849
373Hospital, ConstructionResolves in favor of the State Prison1849
374Hylander, RussellPetition as printer, to publish state Laws and Resolves1821
375IndemnityResolves respecting French Spoliations prior to the year 18001844

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