Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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351Stoddard, Leonard, House of RepresentativesResolve in favor of Leonard Stoddard1843
352Strong Petition SignersResolves for dividing the State into districts for the choice of Senators and for apportioning the Representatives among the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Plantations and Classes at the third apportionment and the remonstrance of Lorenzo S. Bumpus and1841
353Sumner Petition SignersResolves for dividing the State into districts for the choice of Senators and for apportioning the Representatives among the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Plantations and Classes at the third apportionment and the remonstrance of Lorenzo S. Bumpus and1841
354Supreme Judicial Court OpinionsHouse Order regarding the apportionment of Representatives1821
355Talbot, J. C.Resolve providing for the expenses of Members and Officers of the House of Representatives and Clerk of the Valuation Committee, incurred by sickness1850
356Temple Petition SignersResolves for dividing the State into districts for the choice of Senators and for apportioning the Representatives among the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Plantations and Classes at the third apportionment and the remonstrance of Lorenzo S. Bumpus and1841
357Tuck, Parker ResignationResignations of certain members of the House of Representatives1842
358Union Petition SignersResolves for dividing the State into districts for the choice of Senators and for apportioning the Representatives among the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Plantations and Classes at the third apportionment and the remonstrance of Lorenzo S. Bumpus and1841
359United States RepresentativesAn Act providing for the choice of Representatives to Congress1842
360United States RepresentativesSee Representatives to Congress
361United States SenatorsReport on a Resolve that Senators and Representatives to Congress use influence in favor of such measures as will tend to reduce the price of paper1863
362Valuation Committee, ClerkResolve providing for the expenses of Members and Officers of the House of Representatives and Clerk of the Valuation Committee, incurred by sickness1850
363Vote Return BlanksResolve directing the Clerk of the House to procure blanks for returns of votes for Governor, Senators, and Representatives1821
364Vote Return FormsResolve prescribing the forms of returns of votes for Governor, and Senators, and of certificates of elections of Representatives1821
365Vote Returns, Representatives in DistrictsAn Act regarding1823
366Wales Petition SignersResolves for dividing the State into districts for the choice of Senators and for apportioning the Representatives among the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Plantations and Classes at the third apportionment and the remonstrance of Lorenzo S. Bumpus and1841
367Washington Petition SignersResolves for dividing the State into districts for the choice of Senators and for apportioning the Representatives among the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Plantations and Classes at the third apportionment and the remonstrance of Lorenzo S. Bumpus and1841
368Waterhouse, JosephReport of the Committee on Elections of persons returned as Members of the House of Representatives1842
369Webster Petition SignersResolves for dividing the State into districts for the choice of Senators and for apportioning the Representatives among the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Plantations and Classes at the third apportionment and the remonstrance of Lorenzo S. Bumpus and1841
370Woolwich Petition SignersResolves for dividing the State into districts for the choice of Senators and for apportioning the Representatives among the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Plantations and Classes at the third apportionment and the remonstrance of Lorenzo S. Bumpus and1841

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